skin pulling


New Member
hey guys.. im aving trouble with my noogleberry.. its really abother to put on because it tugs on my chest skin, and it pulls down on the skin on my neck/ collar bone/ chest.. for some reason, because of the way my breasts are shapped, the NB pulls on the top of my breast more than on the bottom.. they end up looking gorg with swelling but the tugging is really bothering me.. is this normal ? has anyone experienced this?


New Member
Hey Cateyes, I think the tugging on the skin does seem to happen until your skin gets a little more use to being stretched. Seems like the mediums pulled a little bit when you put a lot of pressure on it. Now that I got the larges, and am still getting use to them, I feel that uncomfortable pull on my skin again when I pump. I think my skin needs to get use to stretching more. I also notice when I noogle in the bath and get the cups wet,hot,and steamy, (and yes i'm talking about the cups,and not meaning to sound dirty lol) anyways....back to the subject, it seems to let your skin stretch better inside the cups. Work for me anyways. I've been trying to noogle in the bathtub with the larges because it seems to help the skin stretch faster!! hope that helps!!


Lovelyoneanna amazing results NBE
Yes, it will pull but you will have to get use to the domes. Your skin will become more stretchable, I agree.