sliptinge's stats


New Member
My stats:

Age: 22 turning 23 next month
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 116 lbs
Bust before NB: 31-32 inches
Under bust: 28.5 inches
Waist: 24.5 inches
Cup size: 34A
No children

I am quite new to NBE and came across NB by accident. I got excited after reading other girl's progresses and seeing their pics, because it gave me hope! I have had the same cup size since I was 15 or 16, so after coming across NB you can imagine my excitement. I haven't received my NB yet but I think I will use the pump and hold technique for 30-45 mins a day or so, to start with atleast. I have been struggling with my weight for the last couple of years. I went down to 105lbs, maybe even less, because of stress with school and am slowly getting my weight back up again. I'm currently at 116lbs and hope to reach somewhere between 120-125lbs. I lose weight very rapidly, but so far I'm maintaining 115lbs. If anyone has any tips on how to gain weight in a healthy and safe way, I would be very grateful :D Also, I would appreciate some help with NB techniques because I'm new and I have never noogled before so any help with that would be very much obliged :)

I'm also on bcp (yasmin) and am taking around 2000mg of fenugreek, wild yam and saw palmetto a day (2ml liquid extract in my tea). So far with everything, including my weight gain, I have gone up a cup size in the last 4-5 months.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read my stats and I look forward to sharing my progress with you guys! ;D


New Member
Welcome to the forum sliptinge. It's great the you've already increased a cup size, gaining weight can certainly help with that, though it never did for me unfortunately!! lol. Don't worry too much about techniques at the moment, once you've received your NB and given it a go for yourself you'll probably have loads of questions to ask. Everyone is different and one technique will work for some and another technique for others. The main thing to remember when first starting out is to use plenty of lotion or oil for a good suction and be careful not to overpump, you should not be feeling pain when pumping, just a tight feeling. Hope your NB arrives soon, I'm sure you'll enjoy the NB experience and being part of the forum. :)


New Member
sliptinge, it's amazing that you've grown a whole cup size in one month! congratulations, & i really hope that you continue on growing!!! happy noogling & good luck with your journey!


New Member
Thanks girls, I appreciate all of the support! it means a lot :D I haven't been noogling that long, but I can already see a difference. There's more elasticity in the skin around my breasts, which is good because the skin used to be so tight and firm (not in a good way). They bounce a lot more and look more fuller in my bras. I will post pics when I see some actual growth. Happy noogling!


New Member
Hi Sliptinge

You have similar stats to me. I'm 5"7, about 118lbs (53kgs), waist is 25", but breasts only 31" unfortunately.

In terms of how to put on weight in a healthy and safe way..... I too prefer my weight to be about the 125 lbs mark (55-57kgs I like the best). I've lost alot of weight in the past 6 months or so, I was about 60kgs in december, and now I'm 53kgs. I was actually trying to put on weight from June last year until December. I ate and ate tonnes of bad food, like heaps of ice-cream, lots of bread, sweets, cakes, muffins, cookies, I drank tonnes of sugary sports drinks, and ice tea, fruit juice etc. I mean, for the amount I ate, you would have thought I should be about 80kgs! Anyhow, I actually put on weight for the first time in my life and managed to keep it. In June last year I would have been about 54.5kgs. I'd never been above that before! So getting to 60kgs was a huge "Achievement"! haha I remember my breasts grew quite a bit, and I could even show a bit of cleavage (with padded bra!). I also put quite a bit of weight about my middle, which was not so good. What sparked me to try and put on weight, was that my boyfriend of the time was a really large guy, fat. And he used to say things to me all the time about how skinny I was. Which made me feel terrible. So I thought I would try my best to put on weight.

Anyhow, in early January, I got a massive pain in my groin/stomach area, which I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. Hmmm, not so good. Anyhow, I could barely walk or do anything for a week. I was in HORRIBLE pain. They thought that the cyst may have twisted or ruptured. 7 days later or so when I had an ultrasound, it showed nothing, everything was normal. As soon as I was diagnosed by the doctor as having a cyst, I went on dear friend Google, and read, read, read for hours on end about ovarian cysts and how they are caused, and what to do to help them. I instantly cut out ALL sugar from my diet, I didn't eat fruit even for that week. Since that point, I did more reading, and I have been on a self-imposed "diet". Basically it made me feel incredible, compared to what I felt before. I have only had a bit of pain each cycle since, but hardly any compared to before. So the diet must be working. Incidentally, its also helped with the gas I used to get, and stomach pains.

I've been on this diet now since January, so about 6 months or so. Its been a bit trial and error. In that time I have gone down to 53kgs. So I too hope to put on weight very slowly. I think I will, once I fine-tune this diet a bit more for me. I am going to a dietician in a couple of weeks. And I've been keeping a food diary of exactly what I have been eating. So they will be able to see if I've been eating enough. When you eat alot of sugar (sugar hides in fruit, vegetables, everywhere), then your body can produce lots of androgen and testosterone. Which is bad for breast growth! and for putting on weight. So trying to limit those things should really help. Seems a bit counter-intuitive, but you should try and limit carbs. The naturopath I have been seeing told me I need to eat protein every single time I eat food. So for instance, I no longer grab an orange or apple as a snack. I eat things like hummus, mussels, pate, nuts. If I do have an orange, I make sure I am eating alot of protein with it.

I recommend you read up about hormones. Hormones really affect your weight. There are tonnes of tests you can do to find out if you may have more of some of the hormones. Just google it. Or check out That site has tonnes of information about hormones, diet and breast enlargement etc.

I've purchased a book called "Life without bread", and its all about limiting your carb intake, and how to do it safely. Its amazing how things you just wouldn't usually think of have tonnes of carbs in them. These foods turn into sugar pretty quickly in your body, and thats not good.

My understanding is that you should eat protein at every meal, and make it good sources of protein. So for instance, eggs are great. Quinoa puffs as a cereal for breakfast (don't buy packaged cereals which are just full of sugar!), then put in things like pumpkin seeds, walnuts, LSA on top. Have some yoghurt with it. Snacks, hummus is very good, some cheese. Some more nuts. Lunch and dinners you should try and have meat and vegetables. Stay away from things like potatoes (they just turn into glucose and sugar in your body), sweet potato, yams etc. Limit those! Eat lots of leafy greens.
Cut out all caffeine, alcohol, fruit juices, any soda, ice teas etc.

Sorry, that is probably a bit of a rambly message. Basically, keep a food journal for a month, find out what you are actually eating, drinking etc. Then take it to a doctor or dietician. Or do your own research on the internet to find out how many kilojoules, GI etc you are consuming.

Stay away from sugars.

I'll be interested to see in the next 3-4 months if I am able to get back up to 55kgs /125lbs again. I think I will be able to. But it will take time.

Amazing how everyone else I know seems to be complaining that they want to lose weight. And here I am, trying to put on weight! Nice to know that someone else around the world has the same problem!

Good luck with your noogling. I'll be interested to see your progress.

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New Member
Wow thanks girlfriday29, that is very helpful! I have struggled with my weight my entire life, and a few years ago I dropped down to the weight I was in highschool. I'm slowly getting my weight back up again. My highest weight was 130lbs and it was only because I had worked at a movie theatre and I was eating a lot of crap every shift!! The only way I can gain weight is if I add a lot of extra calories to my diet. I think I do have a healthy diet for the most part, but I do sometimes eat some not so healthy stuff, like ice cream, candy, fast food etc. I'm trying to add some good fats to my diet like bananas, nuts and avacados. I will try and add more protein to my diet and cut out my sugars and carbs. It will be hard though! I do like my fruit juices, but it will be good to cut it out of my diet because of the high fructose corn syrup which contains high levels of mercury. I don't smoke or drink any caffiene, and I hardly ever consume any alcohol. I will up my intake of leafy greens, but potatos will definitely be hard to cut out. I love them! And I like eggs, so that's good for my diet. Ovarian cysts? You poor thing, that must have been quite a scare for you. How did everything go with your ovarian cysts? Did you have them removed?

Thanks for all of the advice, it was very helpful! ;D


New Member
Hey all, I know I haven't updated in awhile.. I've just been a little discouraged. I still noogle for an hour everyday using the pump and hold technique. My breasts don't really feel any different and my swelling is very minimal. However the tape measure indicates I've grown about an inch, maybe a little more. I still don't see or feel a difference though. My breasts haven't filled the domes and it's been a little over 2 months of noogling. My left breast reaches the 2.5" mark but my right, which is about a cup size smaller than my left, has finally reached the 2" mark. I have dropped weight again and am about 114-115 lbs. I really need some tips on how to gain weight. The only way that I have gained weight in the past is to supplement my diet with LOTS of junkfood. I know it sounds terrible but it's the only thing that's worked for me. I am not taking any herbs, PM, BO or anything with my NB but have always been curious to try PM. I can't take it though because I'm on birth control and going off it is out of the question lol. I am still using Breast Actives cream everyday. I will probably try PM cream after I run out of BA and see if that does anything for me in terms of growth. Anyways thanks for all the support and encouragement. Love you all xoxoxo :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hi Sliptinge,

As someone who is an advocate of natural health and who works with a bunch of naturopaths, can I suggest you investigate the route cause of your inability to keep weight on rather than stuff yourself with junkfood which can have really bad long term impacts on your health.

Firstly, are you really that skinny or are you just comparing yourself to other people around you and/or responding to their negative comments?

I think due to our obese culture we've kind of lost perspective on what is a normal weight. If you go back and look at pictures of regular people over 50 years ago, for example, you'll see that 'skinny' was the norm until we introduced all these crazy chemical experiemnts and factory food into our diets.

Also a lot of chunky people like to take out their anger about their weight problems on slender people due to jealousy.

Alternatively, there may be an underlying body imbalance that is causing your inability to keep weight on. Often overly thin people are unable to absorb the nutrients from their food for various reasons.

The medical community tends to treat the symptoms instead of the route cause with a tendency to make people take drugs for the rest of their lives where as a good natural practitioner will often be able to treat the cause and restore you to proper health.

Best of luck.



New Member
Hi Sliptinge,

First I want to say congrats on your growth. Remember you see your boobs everyday so it's sometime hard for you to see changes...atleast you have measureable growth.

Regarding your weight. How tall are you? I'm 5ft 3in. and I weigh between 104-106lbs. What I'm trying to ask is, do you really need to gain weight? We're all built different and some of us are genetically wired to be a bit smaller. I am 39 and I know quite a few ladies who were very thin when they were young then things change after they start having children or hit their 30s. If you like your body the way it is, then maybe you should just focus on the boobs (and they ARE growing)....just a suggestion.

Don't focus on not filling the domes. focus on your actual growth. I haven't really filled any domes yet...but I got growth; than there are persons who fill the domes without measureable growth.

Keep going!


New Member
Hi sliptinge
I used to have trouble with putting on weight at your age due to my hectic lifestyle and I was frightened when I could not put on the suggested weight during pregnancy but I naturally gained weight as I got older and now I have the opposite problem. Worrying about your weight and being preoccupied with food is an additional stress you prpbably don't need. I suggest you stick with it and eat healthily. I have 3 wonderful children who are healthy and I was less than 7 stone when I had them. We are all fine now. Maybe you need to identify some things which make you feel good and do more of them to offset the stress and problems and bring your life more into balance. Good luck with the noogling


New Member
Knockers, thank you for all the info, that was very much appreciated. I am going to be getting some blood work don, even though I'm absolutely terrified of needles and blood ahh, but I'll suck it up! I honestly think it has to do with stress and my diet. I need a high calorie diet, probably 2000+ calories, and I'm taking in no where near that amount a day. I'm just very busy and stressed with school and my weight started dropping when I started going to school! I eat quite healthy for the most part. I don't eat a lot of junk food. I used to be 125 lbs and I dropped down to 107 lbs but am currently at 115 lbs. I'm 5'8", so I'm underweight for my height. Anyways, thanks for the help hun :)

Aim4c, thanks so much hun! I talked to Lucy and she thinks I should move on to the large cups (yay!) so I will be ordering some soon. I have almost filled my medium cups so I'm very happy about that. I was having a lousy day but I'm feeling very hopeful because I measured myself today and I have grown 2 inches in 2 months! I'd say that's some pretty good growth, and I'm not using any other supplements except for my breast enhancement cream. I think another 10 lbs would look good on me. I'm 5'8" and currently at 115lbs, so I'm very slender. Thanks for the support hun! :-*

SueB5, ya I'm trying not to worry too much about my weight. I do think 10 lbs would look good on me, but I feel healthy and that's what matters. My mom was very skinny when she was in her 20s and was about 105 lbs (shes 5'6") after she had me and stayed very slender, around 120lbs until she turned 45 and she put on about 15 to 20 lbs and is now considered normal weight. She has always been quite busty but her breasts are massive now, atleast a solid DD. I'm happy that you have been blessed with 3 healthy children! That is wonderful! :) I have identified some of the things that trigger my stress so I'm trying not to focus too much on my weight and not worry too much about it. I know I will gain weight as I get older! Thanks for the support :)


New Member
Hi sliptinge,

Ah, stress, the one thing many people have too much of. Funny thing about stress is that I believe it is something we all get because we don't know how to relax. Honey, I have found that to pause some times and just take a deep breath, hold it awhile and say thank you LORD for All the things YOU have given me and to realize that maybe we are much too hard on each of us too much too often. You know girl you are really doing well. I think it isn't a bad thing to know that medically you are ok but just slowing down to breath helps. Luv ya girl Mama J :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hey sliptinge, just checking in with you. I hope you are doing well and I hope your noogling is great! I'm glad you've identified your stress's a hard thing to do! I get VERY stressed by nature. I'm a control freak, and as a result, you guessed it...STRESS CITY!! I'm young like you too (20 years old) and we both know it isn't healthy to be like this at our age, not yet, not ever! Just know you aren't alone, and you can always come vent to your noogle family :)


New Member
Thanks spaztichik and mama, love you girls! :-*

I haven't been able to come online and update much as I've been sooo busy with school! I'm not feeling as stressed lately which is a relief! My weight is always up and down but it's currently at 115 lbs and I'm okay with that! My boobs are growing too which is AWESOME, I bought some cute new bras too. I will be posting some new pics very soon:-* :-* :-*

Happy noogling ladies!

Slip xo


New Member
Hi sliptinge,

Soooooo happy to hear from you. I'm glad things seem a little better. Both you and thats1 share much in common and I understand things 20 somethings go through.I've had 5 kids so I've been through it 5 times. The worst ones were my 2 daughters. You are such a lovely young lady. To have all the stress isn't necessary. What is soooooo essential is that all of us understand ourselves and make sure we KNOW the signs. I've read your posts and I KNOW how much you care. You and thats1 have posted much. Never feel like you need to be alone. I'm always here if you need a lift. I know any of us will be here. For myself, it is a part of me that comes easily. You and all of the others mean so much to me. All you ever have to do is email me or write on the forum and THE MAMA will be there for you sweetie OK? Love to you dear Mama :-* :-* :-* :) :)


New Member
Mama J, bless your heart you always know how to make me smile :) :) Thank you so much!!! it really means a lot to me! and it it SOOOOOO good to hear from you!!! How is everything with you? And your five lovely children? :) I've missed you and everyone sooooo much! I'm so busy! it's so hard to make time for everything, with friends, family, relationships and school to deal with, especially with my NB, but I always manage to find the time somehow! ;) Yes stress is just not worth my time anymore, it doesn't help anything, so I just ignore it now! And things are finally settling down in my life and going my way LOL. Seriously though, it's so great to know that I can just come here to my NB family and just vent if I need to and everybody understands and supports eachother. It's so hard to find that nowadays! Even with some of my friends over here. I really do appreciate everyone's support and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hi at is wonderful.sli[tinge

Awwwwwwwwww , I'm really really is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice of you to say those things. I ALWAYS mean only to help people. Anything after that is simply appreciated. I'm fine. I wish I could tell more about the kids. I usually only hear from them when they need something. I love them but they have their lives to live.I do wish it included me in it but, oh well. My family here REALLY helps to fill my days with happiness. Thank you so much sweetheart. Mama wishes I could give you a great big hug. Hugs my dear Mama :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*