StraightAAAAs Program -- flat chested, implants removed


New Member
Hello Everyone!

I welcome commentary (and encouragement!) from everyone, though I am mainly focused on users who have started out flat chested. And I assure you, I am truly flat chested!! I would be SO HAPPY to be starting from an A or even an AA!!!! I look like a 12 year old boy from the waist up!

A little about me: I am a 34 year old biological female. I got my period at age 13, and my breasts developed "normally" according to my doctors, I just didn't gain very much breast tissue (basically just a couple teaspoons)! I was completely flat chested, and had silicone breast implants placed when I was 18. I was by no means huge (very full and round B, small C) but I felt much better about my body and felt much more proportional. 3 years ago, I had my implants removed and not replaced. I had implants for 13 years, and it was time to swap them out, and I couldn't face another surgery in another 10-15 years. My breasts did snap back to their original size, though I have some slight uneveness due to the scar capsule being removed and my nipples have sagged. I will make another post about my experience with my implants.

My stats and how I got my name:
no children, no breastfeeding
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130-135

Over bust: 32"
Bust (across nipples): 32"
Under Bust: 29.75

Waist: 25.5"

Hips: 38.75"
Individual thigh: 22.25"

As you can see, I definitely have the curves from the waist down!

So, based on the regular formula for determining bra size:
Band size = 29.75 rounded up to 30, add 4 = 34 band size
If my bust size were 34 --> 34AA
33 --> 34AAA
32 ---> 34AAAA

Never mind that a 34 band size will not fit me, I'm not even sure what band size will fit me (I tend to buy size large sports bras and have a variety of forms I use, but sometimes I just go braless -- boobs are great, but they don't define the worth of a woman, and there are times I feel confident just going out without any "enhancements".) But this is a way to measure my progress.

I have been using the Noogleberry Medium cups for 12 weeks now. I have not noticed any difference (other than some swelling that goes away within a few hours), but it is early days yet. I'm in this for the long haul. I took pictures a few days ago, but don't plan on posting them for several months, hopefully showing some growth! I hope to take measurements and pictures on the first day of each month (I am on continuous birth control -- my doctor and I decided I was a good candidate for stopping my periods, so I don't take the placebo pills, so no luteal swelling) and post about once a week to this forum.


New Member
My experience with breast implants (and getting them removed):

I understand how excruciatingly painful it can be to not feel normal because of having a flat chest.

Around age 11, I started to feel my nipples begin to grow and a small mass of breast tissue forming. I was so excited and always looked forward to having breasts!! pretty much stopped there. When I got my period, I thought my breasts weren't far behind! But nope...I continued to gain a shapely waist and hips, but my breasts just DID NOT progress.

I dated a little bit in high school, but never allowed any boyfriends to touch my breasts (I was wearing the "chicken cutlets" at the time"). I was fortunate to have understanding parents -- I come from a line of small breasted (but not FLAT) women on both sides of my family, and my parents were supportive in helping me get breast implants before I went to college. It was to the point where I was so afraid of being "found out" that I didn't think I could possibly go to college and live in a dorm with a room mate, or share a communal shower. Granted, there were shower stalls, so I wouldn't be naked in front of the other girls, but I couldn't hide my lack of boobs with a towel or bathrobe.

There were many times I cried myself to sleep during my high school and middle school years. Those are hard times to fit in as it is, and not feeling normal physically had a HUGE impact psychologically.

After having silicone implants (placed above the muscle) for ten years, I developed a capsular contracture in my right breast. It was incredibly painful, like having barbed wire in my breast. The only thing that helped was wearing very tight sports bras. I would even sleep in them. When it was time to have them replaced, I decided to have them taken out and not replaced. During this time I had developed severe fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue -- even though my doctors and the FDA assured me that my implants were NOT to blame, I owed it to myself to see if I could improve with having my implants removed. My surgeon used a technique called "en bloc" removal, where the capsule is cut out as one piece with the implant inside -- this is to prevent any toxins from leaking into the body. My explant surgery recovery was much more difficult than when I had my implants placed (bed rest for 2 weeks), and I still have the implants (cleaned and sterilized, of course!) in a drawer in my room -- a little souvenir.

I have not fully recovered from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, but I am grateful that my breasts do not hurt anymore. I do not regret having them removed and not replaced. I also have realized that boobs are great and I would really, REALLY like some of my own -- but it hasn't stopped me from having boyfriends.

I do hope to grow some breasts -- I don't have a specific goal in mind, right now I'd be over the moon to be an A cup!!! I am not as concerned about being flat chested as I was as a teenager, but it is still something that I hope to improve.


New Member
My current pumping schedule:

I pump for 1.5 hours (pump and release) using either the 7:2 or 10:2 method. I use olive oil as lotions tend to make me break out.

Previously, I have tried pump and hold 2 hours straight, or 4 30 minute sessions in a row (with a 5 minute break in between). Both of these methods led to better swelling, but I am happier with the pump and release currently. I have also tried 2 1.5 hour sessions a day, but this seemed too hard on my body.

I do not take any herbs. I do supplement with progesterone (20 to 40 mg), however, I have been doing this for years to help with estrogen dominance and it has not made any difference in breast growth. I'm happy for the people who seem to grow with progesterone, I just don't seem to be one of them!


New Member
Thank you for your implant story. I was seriously considering them and was surprised when I started researching them to hear about all the problems, medical conditions, and the need for replacement. Especially because it seems like so many people have them. I hope your body is able to heal itself and that things will go well for you on your boobie journey.


Active Member
Good schedule, don't forget to massage at least 15 min morning and evening with oil. Olive oil is good, you may also want to try flaxseed or safflower salad oil. And drink lots of water, all day, but especially when noogling. Good luck ;)

Padded Hell

New Member
Straight AAAA's,

Your experiences growing up & through school really resonated with me. I had very similar experiences to you, right down to thinking my breasts were growing at 11, then... nothing! I thought I was the only one! As an adolescent I convinced myself that I could never have a normal life because of this 'physical impairment'. I was terrified of being found out too. Avoidance was usually my go-to response, but avoidance almost always equals more pain in the long run. It was that or face humiliation though. So, I completely understand why you chose to have implants. At the time, I wanted them too. I think it would have had a profound effect on my psychological outlook & self-esteem as well. I couldn't go through with it though. Neither had the money, support or confidence!

I'm sorry that you had complications with your implants though. It sounds very painful. You seem very positive about your situation now, which is a great thing. All the best with your noogling :)


New Member
summer -- I'm glad you did your research about implants. Obviously, not every woman has problems with them, but just having to get them replaced every 10 to 15 years is something to seriously consider. Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope that I am able to heal as well. It seems that the best place to get to in nbe is total health enhancement...eating proper foods, getting enough sleep, exercising, etc. So growing boobs isn't the only outcome I'm hoping for :)

James -- Thanks for the reminder to massage!! This last week I have been gently massaging for about 40 minutes each evening, as well as doing a lymph drainage massage each morning (something I normally do). I do find that the massage makes my breasts slightly fuller in the morning (especially the left underboob where slightly more tissue was removed from my explant surgery, so I want to build that area up!!)

Padded Hell -- Yes, totally identify with your feelings. It seems like we have very similar boobs! Thank you for your kind words. I haven't looked at your program lately, but am curious what you are up to -- will look soon :)


New Member
How it's been going the last week: SEE BOTTOM FOR EXCITING (SUBTLE) PROGRESS!!!!

Week 13 of NB:

I'm still using the mediums, olive oil, and pump and hold for 10:2 for a total of 1:30 to 2 hours (one session, usually in the morning).

I have added about 40 minutes of gentle massage in the evening. It seems to be easiest to cross my arms to do this...right hand on left boob, and vice verse. That way my arms don't get so sore. I do a variety of massage...circles, "piano playing" with fingertips, (gently!!!) kneading, and also just shaking them. They do feel fuller in the mornings! I hope this leads to growth!!

I have the contoured large domes as well. Even though I am flat chested, my "boob area" from my implants is very wide. I pumped for 45 minutes (10:2 method) with the mediums, then finished my session with the CL's. I did this two days in a row, but experienced extreme soreness (muscle? bruising? not sure) above my breasts near my arm pits, so I just went back to the mediums the rest of the week.

I am able to get most of my "boob area" into the mediums if I wiggle the domes while I pump them...this seems to draw in more breast tissue. When I compare my ring marks to the actual circle size of the medium domes, my ring marks are at least a full inch larger, so I'm glad I'm getting more tissue in there :)

I have ordered a regular Large dome set, as well because -- EXCITEMENT ALERT!!!! -- I noticed some roundness on my breasts that had not previously been there. It's just that it isn't in the right place -- so there's side boob (haha, not really, but just so you know the area I speak of), then a teeny little bit of roundness more on the front of my chest THAT WAS NOT THERE BEFORE!! I think that if I can get more side boob in the domes, this roundness will be in the right place :)

I'll post on my progress and experiments with the different sized cups within a week or two.

Happy Noogling to all!!

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