Sure there will be lots of questions - but first an introduction!


New Member
Thank you again Joni

I agree love is the most important thing in a parent child relationship and my children all know I think they are wonderful, beautiful and perfect just the way they are. There is a lot of love in our house. :)

My daughter knows that I do not think she 'needs' to increase her bust but as it is clearly so important to her I am willing to help her do it safely if possible.

And sadly monsters are out there and we do have to be vigilant. But I do not think that an increse in cup size (which she could easliy have got naturally) will place her at any greater danger. I do not believe that these animals are that discerning! I take every precaution to keep her safe (as I did her brothers when they were younger. They are now 21 and 19 so not so easy). Someone always picks her up when she goes out and I always make sure I know where she is and who she is with. I text her regularly and she always contacts me immediately if she feels in any way uncomfortable. I know you can never keep them entirely safe but I do try as much as is humanly possible :)

Once again thank you and hugs and loveback to you :)


New Member
Boodles you remind me of my own mum who is at the same time my best friend! She always takes my problems and insecurities seriously, and tries to help me in solving them in a healthy way, much like you are trying to do. And she has done this since I was a child, I´ve never felt like the things I worried about didn´t matter. Your daughter must be very thankful for having you.

I´m certain NB will make her very happy and she´ll get the surgery option out of her head. I think nowadays plastic surgery is so much more widespread than when I was a teenager that most kids find it quite "natural". There are so many TV shows that show these surgical makeovers, and they make them look like such an easy solution. You hardly ever see someone who has to have her implants removed because her body didn´t tolerate them, or because they simply had to be replaced after some years. It also worries me that the singers you see on MTV for example have these perfect hourglass bodies, I don´t remember ever having seen something like that when I was a teenager (in the 80s)! So now girls probably have a distorted idea of what is a desirable body.
I have a lot of acquiantances who have had several plastic surgeries and they look faker and faker as the years go by. When I went to the wedding of one of my schoolfriends her mother looked younger than she did, I even mistook her for my friend and almost asked her why she has dressed in blue for her wedding! So that was really ridiculous. As for the ones who have had implants, they honestly just don´t look good. So there´s another argument against surgery for your daughter: looking at pics of breasts with implants (with no clothes) - they look strange, stick out unnaturally and are very uncomfortable when you want to sleep on your belly.

As for Teeny´s experience: wow! That is just terrible and I´m so happy you threw those icecubes at him! And I´m happy you´re in a healthy relationship now, good for you!

hugs to all of you and best of luck!


New Member
I'm glad my comments weren't offensive at all. That wasn't what I was going for. Teenagers want to grow up so fast these days, which isn't helped by the music industry or media!!

Obviously we are all on here because we want larger breasts and nothing is wrong with that! I was just more concerned that perhaps her wanting bigger breasts is just the beginning of body image issues. At 16 I certainly wasn't happy with my breasts, but I never even though about getting surgery done! That whole concept wasn't even a thought on my mind. Even today, I've never once seriously considered it....Maybe I'm weird? LOL

Once she gets the larger breasts it could warp into "man I just can't stand my nose" or "my butt is just too big". Just be careful that she isn't focusing on the breasts since it's an easy target right now. I truly don't think a B cup is that small at 16, but we all understand what she is feeling. I started out as a AAA! There will always be someone with larger, nicer breasts and it's good to make sure your daughter understands this and is doing this for her. I'm giving you fair warning it could change to another part of her body after she's reaches her breast goal. I hope this isn't the case, but it's good to watch for warning signs. As a recovering anorexic from ~10 years ago, I still have to watch myself. It's very easy to slip into that scary, dark mindset.

I wish my parents were as open as you are! That's really amazing and if I ever have kids, that's what I'm going to strive for. My parents were just terrible when it came to sexual/developmental things. Ignorance is bliss was their motto, so I didn't really develop like I should have. /sigh

Good luck to your daughter with noogling!! Since she already has a good amount of breast tissue, she will likely respond very well to noogle. I hope she gets her C cup and she's truly happy with them and with herself. :) Take care!

Teeny Tiny

I didn't mean to sound like my tone had reversed, I truly think you are a great mother for what you are doing for your daughter, I wish I had you for a mother when I was growing up. And I didn't realize she was almost 17, so yeah, at 18 she'll be able to do what she wants with her body, I just hope for her sake she doesn't choose surgery, but if she does I hope everything goes smoothly with no complications, and for heavens sake if she should choose implants she should get the saline filled not silicone. Silicone implants can turn rancid in the body and become toxic, which in turn will cause a lot of illness to her until she has them removed. And from what I saw on television a few years ago once they turn black and toxic if they should break during removal the toxic material inside could be so toxic that it could actually kill anyone who even breathes the fumes given off by it. Needless to say, if one should rupture internally on its own once it turns that way it will have the same effect on the person that has them in her. I guess I'm just extra jumpy when someone mentions even the thought of getting implants, because I've seen the negative effects they can have on a person, I know that there are far more that have no problems, but with my luck if I ever opted to get them I'd be one of the few who do.

My mother was never there for me, she worked 4pm - midnight when I was growing up, so Monday-Friday she was never home when I got home from school, and got home long after I was asleep. My father raised me, if that's what you can call it, he was there, but not a very supportive or affectionate man. I couldn't even ask him for help with my homework if he was watching television, when it was on he was glued and there was no distracting him, brought reality to the term "BOOB TUBE". ;) And he was an abusive man, I'm the youngest of 6 by 9 years, I watched my sister (the second youngest) get beaten over and over again when I was 4-6 years old so I was fairly a good kid, I didn't give him many reasons to beat me. But there were times that he would beat me for the stupidest reasons, all that finally stopped once I turned 17-18 and stood up to him, or should I say over him by about 2-3 inches. The first time I stood up to him and didn't take it any more I guess he decided it was time to stop before I beat him to a bloody pulp.

And I'm sorry I got jumpy about the look of the 32C bra, the way you worded that brought to mind images of slutty little girls we have around here, the kind that wear those skin tight micro-mini skirts, and low cut shirts about a size or 2 too small that love to flirt with any man. I've had several strut around my hubby, and once they got his attention would give me a shit ass grin because he was focused on them instead of me. It seems to be a game to them, one that they wouldn't want to play with my ex, as they might get more than they're bargaining for now that I'm gone, and he's in a crappy mood from being tagged a felon. I hate that, and I guess that's part of the reason I started noogling. Your daughter sounds much more respectful of herself than to be that way, but the ones that are that way just make me sick, and to think that their parents would even let them own clothes like that makes you want to slap their parents and tell them to wake up.

I hope she achieves her goal and becomes a lot happier and more confident with her body, that's what we're all here to achieve. And definitely tell her to hold onto that system when she's finished, as she gets older she may want to use it to get her figure back after having kids or to help prevent them from going south for the winter as she gets older and gravity starts doing its damage.

Please forgive and disregard anything I may have said in my last post that may have offended you or made you feel that I thought you were a bad mother or made a bad choice, as that was not the intention, I guess I just got the wrong impression from one of your posts, if I offended you in any way or seemed too harsh I sincerely apologize. And for heavens sake, don't hesitate to post any questions or comments on here. If I can help in any way with my experience noogling over the last 13 months I'll gladly respond, as well as many others that are full of knowledge and their own personal experiences with noogleberry. I hope your daughters noogleberry journey is a very happy and successful one! ;) :D ;D


New Member
Thank you Amelie, Wanabeecee and Lily13

Amelie - the idea of showing her pictures of implanted boobs is a good one. At 16 we are all invincible in our own eyes - it will never happen to you - so scare stories are not always the way to go. But this is indeed a different approach. Thank you.

Lily13 - I take the point about her focus shifting to something else if she gets her extra cup size and I will watch out for this. I will watch for the signs. Thank you.

Thank you all again :)


New Member

Thank you for your post. There is no need to apologise - I realise that what you said you siad out of concern for my duaghter and that can only be a good thing :)

I also rethought what I wrote about the 32B bra and realised how that might have sounded to someone who did not know me or my daughter. We have the sort of girl yuou describe round here too. My daughter calls them 'plastics' (in that they are like Barbie dolls) and would never ever want to be like them but I can imagine how my post might have made it look like she would!

I am so sorry that you had such a hard time growing up. It must have been very difficuolt and it must have taken enormous courage to finally stand up to him.

Thank you so much for your offer of help with Noogling queries - I feel sure that we will be taking you up on that in the very near future :)

Thank you again :)
Hi Boodles! I just wanted to say how sweet it is that you and your daughter can talk about these things! Like her, I was pretty much the smallest in the family. So I know how it is. It sucks but after motherhood it gets worse lol . I sure hope noogleberry works for her. I'd hate for her to have to chance life with the whole breast implant idea. I'm not sure if you've googled some of the bad effects of breast implants but not everyone has an a great outcome, i'm not talking just about death but severe disfigurement. Some people look like burn victims. Its sad. (my fear is making myself worse, so I try not to do anything extreme lol)
My sister actually had implants not too long ago. She's not exactly acting enthused about them. I don't think they turned out as well as she anticipated. Also if your into celeberity gossip sometimes they have some good photos of boob jobs gone wrong.


New Member
Hi LittleBrokenArrow

Thank you for your kind words :)

I have indeed looked at the bad effects of breast implants and am horrified! I have made her aware of the possible problems etc but am not continuously stressing the point at the moment. I know from past experience it is best to plant the seed of doubt and let it grow so that any final decision seems like hers not mums :) Should the NB not work (am confident that it will as I am sure we can see a slight change already after only 2 weeks) then I will try everything in my power to persuade her not to go down that route! There is a new procedure called fat cell augmentation with stem cells, where they take fat cells from another part of your body, treat it to increase the number of stem cells, and inject this into the breasts. This is said to be permanent and sounds far less risky or invasive than implants. If all else fails I will try to get her to take this option rather than implants but am really hoping that NB will mean that this will not be necessary :)

Thanks again and good luck to you :)

Teeny Tiny

The fat transfer is less risky, but still has it's own risks. I've seen a lot of horror stories about the new fat not mixing with the natural breast fat and causing lumps, disfigurement, puckers and ridges (kind of like ruffles potato chips). Then there's always the possibility of them rejecting the fat or them ending up uneven or shaped differently because sometimes not all the fat stays, some can break down or be absorbed into the body causing them to have an unnatural look or different sizes and appearances. It's a fairly new procedure compared to implants or many others and I don't think they've either quite worked all the bugs out or there's just the fact that the body does not like being altered in such an unnatural way and fights against it. Not to mention the site they take the fat from (usually the butt because it's usually got the most fat) does not always like having fat sucked out of it and can end up looking disfigured. Losing fat naturally with diet and exercise is one thing, it's natural, but when they suck it out the pockets they suck it out of can become puckered and unnatural looking depending on how much they take out. Then she may end up needing a butt job. ;) Just figured I'd make you aware of these possible issues and I hope noogling gets her where she wants to be so she doesn't even want to think about implants or fat transfer. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers, may God make everything work out well for her, whatever road she may go down.


New Member
Hi TeentTiny

Thank you again for your coments :)

I think they have improved on this technique quite a bit recently and the technique has had some pretty good write ups in some reputable media recently which is why I do think it is the lesser of two evils. Apparenlty the preffered site of the liposuction, in the UK at least, is the stomach or thighs (they use the same proceedure for those who want to pad out their butts a bit too :) ). But it is still surgery and I still hope that she will not go down any surgical route. I really hope that Noogling works and this is all academic. I am very hopeful about the noogling as she seems to be showing some signs of change already :). And she is completely filling the medium domes within minutes now so hopefully once we get the large domes she will make further progress :)

Thank you again for your good wishes :)


New Member
Hi Boodles, sorry i dont come on this forum very often and i have only just seen this thread, but i just wanted to see i think what you are doing for your daughter is fantastic, i wished my mother was as understanding with things i have done, as i was a man but am now a woman. So i just wanted to say i think your great and your daughter must think the world of you.

Hugs Cheryl xxxx


New Member
Hi Cheryl

Thank you so much for your lovely comments :) Yes, we do think the world of each other and I feel blessed that this is the case :)

Hugs back to you :) xxxx


New Member
Hi Boodles, just want to say I think it's awesome that ur concerned with ur daughters problems. I started growing at 13, had a growth spurt and stopped. :'( Sadly my mother never cared about my concerns. She just shrugged it off. She never talked to me about anything though, we were never friends. I love that u and ur daughter are close enough to talk about things like that. Even now at 22 my mom and I are still not very close. She's a mother and it ends there. I wish she would have cared more. All my friends were C and D. I would look in the mirror and cry. I felt like I looked like a boy. A 34A and 32B are basically the same cup size so I can sympathize with ur daughter. When I started NB I was the same size as I was at 15 which was a 34A. Now I wear a 32C. The bands were always a lil loose on me so I moved down a band size. I don't think there's any harm in her using NB because it's making our tissue grow same as puberty. As long as she don't get carried away (which is easy to do) I think she'll be fine. It takes time and patience though! Tell her to stick with it even when she feels like throwing it. Hope it works for her! Love Charity


New Member
Thank you Charity :)

Sorry you do not feel that close to your mother. My mother and I were close in most ways and were friends, but there were certain subjects that were off limits. More to do with the way she was brought up I think. Maybe something similar is true for your mum.

I will tell my dauhgter what you said about sticking with it and that you have achieved what she is aiming for :) should encourage her :)

Thank you again