This isn't working


If you feel that it isn't your body that is the problem (and I think our intuition is pretty good), then definitely look at the method. I am reminded of a friend who was very much into sports and fitness, she was running, swimming and cycling a lot - 4-5 times a week - and even though she had a lost a fair bit of weight she just couldn't shift her belly fat. 2 years ago, she started lifting weights in the gym and pretty much stopped all the cardio, except for maybe cycling or swimming once a week. And hey presto, the belly fat turned into muscles.

Now I know it isn't the same with breast growing, but I guess the point I am trying to make is that a simple change n her routine made all the difference. For you, maybe you could try to noogle 1-2 hours per day for a while, alternating between pump and release and pump and hold. Then, perhaps every second week, only noogle every second day. Or something like that. I really think that the main thing is to play around with different methods if our current one isn't working. You have tried marathon nooglin and that hasn't worked for you (like long running/swimming/cycling). Now, perhaps try the shorter sessions (like lifting weights) with longer periods of rest in between and see how your body responds. There are some users that found that taking an extended break gave them a growth spurt every time. So it really is trial and error, the whole time.

And I know how easy it is to feel cynical and that this is pointless. Happy as I am for everyone who gains, it is sometimes hard not to feel completely failed as a woman when biological makes get more growth in a year than I did in four. But hey, what can I do? Oh, and as a side, my diet is already quite high in protein and fats (such as olive oil, avocado, coconut oil etc) but that has zero impact on my boobage. SOme people just get lucky I reckon :D

Oh and thank you for your very kind compliments. I too wish I could appreciate small breasts on myself. Maybe one day I will but that day is not here yet :)


New Member
Yeah I decided not to go over 4 hours and try for 2-3 now. I think another thing I will try is breaking it up in the day more. For example morning afternoon night. Maybe one or two days I will do a long session. I don't think breaks will work for me because I did that (not intentionally) when I became paranoid of a lump and I definitely didn't gain,I feel like it was more of a loss if anything. My gut is telling me 3 hours is my magic number for some reason lol. I guess we will see. I figure if I do at least an hour but less than 4 hours every day I am not doing too much or too little from what I have read in other people's success stories. That damn brava really threw me off with it's 10 hour requirement.It's so frustrating how easy it is to shape and grow the rest of your body with excercise except your breasts :mad:. I've been focusing on my midsection trying to get a great hourglass shape because at least it will give the illusion of bigger breasts in proportion to a very cinched in waist. I hope to find the answer and share it with you. Thank you for the support and encouragement!


New Member
Hi there =)

I just wanted to weigh in on this, because I too can see myself getting frustrated. Not so much *yet* because I am very new to this, only been really at it for a month. But for me, I've been so unhappy with my breasts for a long time....and getting increasingly so as time goes on and I get older. Plus I think my severely low hormone levels over time have eaten away my breast tissue (not to mention other havoc to my body), so I feel I am on an uphill climb =) I sympathize with your feelings, i cannot accept my breasts in the awful shape they're in. It does feel hopeless and discouraging and unacceptable! For me, I feel that even if my breasts were small but still firmer, perkier and functional I would feel really good. Anyway, all that said I feel like I am going to have to fight hard, but like others have said....what else can you do? I've committed to being dedicated to this despite any bad feelings I might have, and not rely on how I feel about it day to day. I have told myself to reserve ultimate judgement for at least a year. I'm sure easier said than done....but I am taking it day by day ;D

I am encouraged by everyone's stories and especially the males on here. Because I think it has been my lack of estrogen over a long period of time that caused a lot of my losing breast tissue, it's encouraging to know that males (with I'm assuming less estrogen/more testosterone than I have!) have had success. I may also be a slow responder, I guess we will have to see. At this point, I haven't seen any results....yet like I said it's really only been a month =)

Hang in there, I know it's hard emotionally. But this may just need to take a lot of time.


New Member
Thanks Kiki I wish you the best of luck. I'm just miserable right now. I took a two day break and only massaged during those days, I looked fuller. I decided to pump today after my two days off and did two hours on and off with massage breaks ect....well I look smaller than before I pumped. This is so ridiculas. It's been a year, I feel so defeated and want to throw these stupid domes out the window. I feel like this is all b.s.


New Member
Yeah, I am so sorry you are feeling like that. I'm only a month and a half in, so I have no idea how I would feel after a year! I'm trying not to worry about it but of course I do to some extent. I eat very clean like you all were talking about above....low sugar, low/no starch, healthy supplements etc. I'm having other issues with weight gain (of course, nothing in my boobs at all lol) and general ill feeling so I am going to start seeing a new naturopath and see what her recommendations are and I will be talking to her about my breast loss/changes to get her perspective too.


New Member
Hi, I started noogling last January so just a bit longer than you although I had to take a couple month break - so we might be about even with noogling time :) I read your post the other day and I really feel for you and all of us that get frustrated w NBE. It certainly isn't for the faint of heart. I have been trying NBE off and on for 20 years. I occasionally give up or take a break but I've been on more than off and believe I have tried everything. I haven't seen a lot of growth myself. I can still wear the same size bras I did before I started (although I have found out they have never fit correctly). As Minnie said, the reason I'm still going is I know I can't get bigger if I give up, so I just keep trudging along. I do believe my problem is my body. I was anorexic at the age when other people were growing boobs. And my family made fun of me when I started developing & was very embarrassed.... oh, if only we could go back w the knowledge we have now. lol

I just wanted to mention something else about the pictures. Even if you don't post them I think it is really important to take some just for yourself. I think the constant swelling & deflating really messes with your eyes & makes it even more difficult to see small growth. I hate pictures myself but I really think it helps.

At one point I used a non-hormonal breast enhancement cream. Isosensuals. It didn't seem to help me but we are all different & who knows what may work for you. It might be worth a try. I am not a fan of using hormones either. Ive done it & really messed up my system.

I was curious how your swelling is? Are you getting a lot & is it lasting? I found a thread on here about the amount of time you noogle should be in correlation to how long the swelling lasts. The longer it lasts the longer breaks you take. I know this is exactly the opposite of Brava (which I think you said you did) but maybe that might be worth a try. If nothing else you wont be wasting as much of your time. I know it seems counterintuitive but I know Brava didnt do much for me either so I figure why not try the opposite approach. Here is the link if you are interested in reading the thread

Best of luck to you and all of us!


New Member
this is an older post so i'm not sure what your status is now (stopped noogling or still trying) but another member on this forum told me that collagen is essential to breast growth, if your body doesn't make enough naturally, the swelling won't turn into breast tissue. I guess I'm pretty lucky and I'm a fast responder, but I also just ordered collagen to see if that helps speed up the process more! definitely worth looking into if you are still trying to noogle with no results:)


New Member
I just started on collagen too. I'm trying to read as much as I can about it, I think I might also start on protein shakes or protein meal replacement as well. I don't think I consume enough protein.


New Member
Tinytots- I recently started trying to add more protein in my diet (and eat healthier in general), so this morning I made this awesome protein shake that was so delicious! I blended one banana, some ice cubes, a little bit of milk, vanilla protein powder, 2 tablespoons or so of oats, and cinnamon, and it tasted like a blended up oatmeal cookie, it was delicious! just thought i might share:)