Tips Please


New Member
I've been noogling for almost a year now but I haven't seen much growth. I remember people recommending protein shakes. I don't know why I never thought to drink protein shakes before, I guess I just forgot about that suggestion. :D I have protein shakes but there isn't that much protein in them. About how many grams should I drink a day? Are there any other supplements that would help? I take MSM and it really helps with the swelling, but is there anything else that will help with permanent growth?


New Member
Hi, cupcakes! Ever since I started drinking protein shakes (I started about 2 weeks ago), my swelling has been much better. This is the brand I drink:

If you mix the chocolate flavor with milk, it tastes just like chocolate milk. One serving is a scoop, which they provide for you inside the can.

I drink it about once or twice a day, one scoop per 8 oz of milk. The instructions on the can say to drink 5 times a day - when you wake up, before your workout, during your workout, after your workout, before bed - but I think that's excessive for anyone who isn't a bodybuilder :)


New Member
Thanks moccasin, sounds like it works pretty quickly. I'm gonna start drinking protein and report back if I see a difference. :D


I agree. Protein helps. It is important to get extra when doing anything that involves growth or change in the body. Make sure also that the protein contains BCAA's. (Base Chain Amino Acids) as these are the basis for growth on a cellular level. Make sure and drink lots of water!! Water carries everything to all cells within the body and is necessary for basic function of... well, everything. Reduce caffeine. Its not good for you to start with, but it is also a diuretic, meaning, bye-bye water!! Water gets them cells to building new tissue and that means boobies!! If you feel you are stalling or have plateaued some have benefitted from a break from noogling. When they return, bam!! Swelling and growth. Not sure how it works but my theory is that your body has become accostomed to it and stops responding, so taking a break shocks it back into action.
As for other supplements. Thats a very personal thing. Some here take BO (bovine Ovary), some take herbs. Some have found some other things that work. It is so hard to know what will work for you. It is trial and error.
Hope this helps.


New Member
liltalkie said:
I agree. Protein helps. It is important to get extra when doing anything that involves growth or change in the body. Make sure also that the protein contains BCAA's. (Base Chain Amino Acids) as these are the basis for growth on a cellular level. Make sure and drink lots of water!! Water carries everything to all cells within the body and is necessary for basic function of... well, everything. Reduce caffeine. Its not good for you to start with, but it is also a diuretic, meaning, bye-bye water!! Water gets them cells to building new tissue and that means boobies!! If you feel you are stalling or have plateaued some have benefitted from a break from noogling. When they return, bam!! Swelling and growth. Not sure how it works but my theory is that your body has become accostomed to it and stops responding, so taking a break shocks it back into action.
As for other supplements. Thats a very personal thing. Some here take BO (bovine Ovary), some take herbs. Some have found some other things that work. It is so hard to know what will work for you. It is trial and error.
Hope this helps.

Very helpful tips, thank you! I need to drink more water too. Anybody know how much extra protein is needed when you are growing? 20g? 40g? I'm gonna get protein powder that has 20g protein in it and I'll probably drink 1 shake a day, or maybe 2 if necessary. Do you think 1 is enough? Or is 2 better?


New Member
I know that when you're on BO, you're supposed to have like almost 100 g of protein a day, but I'm sure it's less than that if you're just noogling. So maybe you're not taking in enough protein and you just need to match with the recommended intake.

Here is a protein calculator I just found. There's a whole bunch if you just do a basic "protein calculator" search on google. I like how this one takes into account what kind of lifestyle you have, and the number it gave me made sense compared to numbers other calculators gave me (75 g).


New Member
Wow 100g! That's a lot! How come you need more protein on BO? We're all trying to grow boobs right, whether BO or noogleberry. Maybe I'll try drinking 3 shakes a day since I don't think I eat that much protein. This is getting expensive! :(


New Member
I would say be careful with supplements and protein shakes , over a period of time this could lead to unwanted weight gain at other undesired places :'( , In my humble opinion protein shakes are only for people who are very very skinny , they too will have weight gainat other places but it would only help them with their body weight, healthy people with healthy weight should take extra protein with a lot of caution.

I faced very adverse effects of extra protein- I took it for a period of 6 months min and my face, waist,tummy gained lotsa lotsa weight. I tried it again after an year and pretty much the thing happened again, so be careful :)



New Member
I'm so sorry to hear about that, melons :-\ Which brand of protein did you buy? The kind I'm using right now is only 100 calories per scoop and it actually suppresses my appetite because protein is supposed to fill you up. I've found that I'm eating less now


New Member
Did the protein make you gain weight because of the extra calories? Or just the extra protein? I do not want to gain weight!

On the BB website, it said to take in only 30-50g through protein shakes, so I guess it would be ok if I only had two shakes a day. I have read that it's best to have protein before you go to bed, but other sources say it's best to have it when you wake up. Anyone know which is true? I plan to have one shake after I noogle and then the other one before bed so my body has lots of protein to grow during my sleep. I'm also gonna start on BO. I'm excited! ;D


I bought a protein shake called Lean Muscle Meal from GNC. the calories are low. i have not ever gained weight while taking protein, with the exception of muscle because thats what I was shooting for. Lean muscle. Try looking at how much protein u consume in a day. Include everything. If you have a glass of milk, count it, soup, cheese, you may be surprised at how much we consume when we dont realize it. On an average day I consume 45-60g of protein thru the foods and drinks I consume. I was in shock that I get that much! One shake may put you in that zone, and that is a realistic ideal. If your diet is balanced you are probably getting more than you think!
Have patience. Some here have been noogling for YEARS. I have been doing it for 2 now! But it has been worth it. I am noogling right now!!


New Member
moccasin,cupcakes ==> I bought B-Protein (which I hear is a mixture of whey and soy protein) , I took it after breakfast and dinner and over a period of 6+months gained a lot of extra weight .. (I took 2 spoons of it each time i guess)

the second time this happened was when I took EPO+Flax seeds oil + Spirulina (thrice a day , ie after every meal - 1 capsule each - 1000 mg was each cap i guess )==> this was pretty recent ==> I gained a lot of weight on face , arms,waist,tummy etc ..

I had a tough time losing it and my face hasnt gained its original shape yet :( even though I lost most f the weight !

litakie ==> lucky you din gain weight frm the shakes , maybe you could tell me the process you followed and the no of calaories you took alongwith , were you exercising while taking those shakes ? i am 5'3' and my weight arnd 51 kgs i guess , when i put on it geos to 55 kgs ()which is a lot coz i have a very narrow bone frame ruler shaped and lead an almost sedentary lifestyle


melons- I didn't count calories as far as food intake. I found getting rid of the soda pops made a HUGE difference! I do lead a fairly active lifestyle that I have settled into recently. My job is fairly physical as well, although the breaks may be more active with a sprint up two flights of stairs! I have been told I have a pretty high metabolism too. I am 5'7" and stay around 135 to 145lbs and need to quit that yo-yo. Its not good on body or boobs. The lean muscle meal was for when I was doing a hard excercise program and it gave me extra protein and nutrients I needed at that time. Each body is different. It will take time for you to find what works for you!
Cupcakes- I have been at this 2 years now on Dec. 12th, I have done the noogle religiously, and have gone thru periods of not being able to to it for quite a while. I have posted in the gallery and will be putting more recent pics up real soon! There are some here that have had amazing results in a short period of time and some have taken years! Keep looking thru the forum for tips try several different things. Find something that works for you! Its gonna happen!! Be patient!