Too good to be true?


New Member
So, I've been noogling for a whopping 6 days. Lol. I noogleberry 45 minutes twice a day with the medium cups. I don't get a ton of swelling, but the thing is, it doesn't go away!! In the last 6 days I've gained 2 1/2 inches! I'm not quite sure what to think. I've been measuring before and after each session and the measurements are all consistent, if anything after about a half hour after a session I've been measuring a quarter inch bigger than immediately after my session. I'm trying to not get too excited because I know this is not normal. Does anyone have any explanation?! I'm more than happy, but I'm kinda flipping out! :eek:


I'm pretty sure it's just sustained swelling, real growth isn't supposed to happen for at least 30 days, I can't remember the exact number.

Maybe you just respond really well to it, I've heard of brava users go from C to A cups throughout the day, and you are doing it twice per day which would be why you're always measuring bigger. If you stopped pumping for a while they would probably go back to could test that out if you're really curious :p.

Otherwise, just enjoy it, it'll probably be real soon enough ;D!


New Member
I didn't really think it was possible, but it is super nice that the swelling doesn't go down!! I don't care if it's not growth because my boobs are bigger. Lol. I'm pretty small so any change in size is really noticeable. I'm super excited to have growth because we are going on a cruise in October and I'm confident with every other part of my body, but my boobs. Pretty much if I have nice big boobs I may live in a bikini. I'm sure my hubby won't mind. Lol.