What do you do while noogling?


New Member
I just recently received my system and realized I cannot move much with it on. I've read that some people here noogle about an hour a day. What do you do during this hour? I am a really active person and I can't imagine just lying around for an hour!

Also, I haven't yet told my boyfriend about noogling and he is out of town. Kind of worried about how to handle this when he returns. I don't want to always lie in bed at night with this system! I guess my concern here is time management. If you have a partner, when do you noogle?


Fulfilling a dream...
Only pumping a week myself, I had similar fears (and I'm going for 2-3 hours a day). At first, I could do anything as I would lose seal with minor arm movements. Already I have gain enough to allow mobility around the house if I am careful about siting/rising and reaching out. I suspect it will improve further as I develop more.

I have been using the time to read, watch movies/series, talk to people on the phone. I am even noogling now as I write this. It is just a matter of creative thinking and being willing to "grow" into more mobility. Each time I find a new "uncomfortable point" in the pumping. I'm restricted but in 10 minutes, I'm usually able to continue.



New Member
I usually get up first thing in the morning before the family do! I squeeze in usually a good hour noogling while they are asleep and check my emails etc etc and hope like hell someone doesn't get up and catch me!!!!


New Member
bellacraig said:
I usually get up first thing in the morning before the family do! I squeeze in usually a good hour noogling while they are asleep and check my emails etc etc and hope like hell someone doesn't get up and catch me!!!!


New Member
My husband knows I am doing this. He's very curious about what the whole process looks like, but I refuse to let him see. lol He's already seen some of my most "non-ladylike" moments, I need to keep some secrets. lol

When he's not home, I'll sit in the living room watching tv while noogling. I don't have much mobility, but I might try to practice that soon. If he is home, like now, I lock myself in my room and play on my computer. But it gets boring. I'm sure soon I'll cave and just go about my regular business while he's home with my pointy boobs suctioned inside a couple domes. lmao

...and then he'll laugh at me. ::)


New Member
My live in boyfriend is 100% aware of my NB. Haha he bought it for me for Christmas!
I sit in front of him if I'm just doing massage, but otherwise I just excuse myself into the bedroom and watch TV while I pump. When he's working I'll sit out in the living room and play xbox. XD

I think life becomes easier at least if your partner knows :)


Fulfilling a dream...
Ooo.. that's an idea.. noogle while gaming.. I don't usually play alot but when I do it seems to be a long session.. lol I've wanted to try an 8 hour session (with breaks) but at 2 hours, I'm just going crazy. But I think many of the success stories here involve lots of time -- so I want to test that. :)


Padded Hell

New Member
Usually I watch tv/watch a good film, read, or i'm on the internet. I've been known to do a bit of hoovering with them on ;D.

I once answered the phone & forgot I had them on. I do not recommend it. Every time i moved they kept farting off. The person on the other end of the phone must have thought I had some serious digestive issues! Ugh, I cringe just thinking about it :-[


Stay positive
My pumping sessions are once in the morning/afternoon and once at night. I have children, so during the day I lock myself in my bedroom while my husband watches the kids. My daughter writes her homework and my son takes his nap. That will give me a good 30 minutes to 1 hour. At night it's much easier since both children are asleep. I don't mind if my husband is near. He isn't bothered by much. So, I'm pretty happy that I'm comfortable around my husband as he is with me. His only concern is if noogling will be harmful to my breasts.