which domes? noogleberry xl's or bosom beauty xl's?


New Member
i have heard so much about nb that they are painfull and dont give outer growth it takes a while how is the shape with the bosom beauty domes? and how much time does it take with them and how much time with nb xl's? i really dont want to stick around for 6 months and no outward growth ;) and are they almost the same size i mean the height wise?


Hi there. The Noogleberry domes should not be painful, and using any of the several padding methods should solve any discomfort. I'm not familiar with Bosom Beauty domes, but I do currently use the NB XL domes and began with the large domes.

What you probably have heard is that, when someone has switched from the large domes to the XLs, they notice more roundness than "outward" swelling and growth at first. This does not mean there is not any growth occurring, it's just that it is more spread out because of the nature of the larger dome width. Personally, I noticed this when I switched over, but it seemed to sort itself out in less than two weeks. This same situation can (and I assume does) happen with folks who go up any dome size, not just the XLs... your breasts are no longer being smushed forward into a too-small cup, and so with the wider cup, the swelling and such is more distributed across each breast.

If your current size is large enough that the XL cups is what you would need to start with, you probably don't need to worry about any of this though. Good luck with whatever you choose!


ComingD's of course there is outer growth, but it is very gradual and hardly noticeable. If you think you can go from whatever size you are now to D's in 6 months, you have been mis-informed or are dreaming. Tissue growth is a very slow process ...in doesn't happen overnight. Maybe you should try getting hold of some PM and taking that as well. It doesn't matter who's domes you are using, so long as there is always room to expand in them. If the ones you are using are full, they are too small.


New Member
i have bosom beauty system and the domes are WAYYY too small. The XL in them is at the most a large C not an E as they claim


New Member
are they almost the size of large cups as nb? just a little bit bigger thanks for response i was considering buying them