will i have to continue to use the pump?



to maintain the breast size will i have to continue to use the pump forever? is there a certain time where the breast will stay enlarged? if i've used this product for months will i finally be able to stop using the product? I'm really considering purchasing an NB and have read all about it but this is my only concern. Thank you.



There are girls who are maintaining 1-2 cup increase by pumping only 30-60 mins 1-2x weekly but I don't think anyone has stopped totally for more than a couple of weeks.


i dont think i could manage that for the rest of my life! and so if i stop after a year of usage will my breast then sag as a result of pulled skin and what not?


Hi Cindy,

Perhaps someone who has used longer can make comment here , too.

I actually got the same concern like you before using NB that I would not want to tie up with it for the rest of my life.
But once I started to use , it had become my daily routine. My day would not have been fulfilled without using it. Plus the result has been so amazing that I don't have any reason why I should stop using, although now I reduce from daily use to weekly use or even less than that. But any time that is possible to top them up , I am more than happy to pump them.

I don't know if my reply makes sense to you but it is my honest answer. Maybe one day in the future that I decide to stop totally , I will come back and post here.


PS. Beginning of this week I was ill , and only used in once during the week, but I am still full in C70 ;)