Women Lose Weight By Injecting Pregnancy Hormones???


New Member
hey guys, my friend just sent me this link, what do you think of this?

I think is really risky and some what stupid cause you are pretty much experimenting using urself ,and you dont know what will happen to you in the future.


New Member
i thought i would share this link, for 8 fast food health traps you shouldn't fall for.


New Member
Yeah pretty much eating out is bad for you. Restaurants use lots of sodium and preservatives to keep their foods fresh.


New Member
i know :( it sucks because while people are usually out, its hard to be like oh whats in here etc, even it is bad you cant go to another place and do the same thing.


New Member
I had a friend who actually did it and lost a lot of weight, however, it was very expensive. It cost her a few thousand dollars for the injections and because of the rate of the weight lose she ended up with very loose skin. It does not support an active lifestyle or excercising. SHe stayed tired, cranky and sluggish while on the regiment. This may not be the same for everyone who has done it but I personally feel it is better to excercise and eat right to lose weight.