Recent content by BitchwBs

  1. BitchwBs

    Any XXXL cups for sale? Or any repair tips?

    Sorry this isn’t a response to your post but I am having trouble posting a new topic on here...anyone else having this issue? I am also not able to view any gallery pictures at the moment. Anyone else? I could see them on my phone a couple weeks ago but Now they don’t even show up... Sorry...
  2. BitchwBs

    Not swelling after pumping, is that bad ??

    I don’t pump for very long at all, I’m just trying to even out my breasts for the time being and then maybe try to Go up a size. I pump once a day for 15-20 min and I do use breast cream before and after pumping, I try to drink a lot of water per day but maybe I should increase that too. I’m...
  3. BitchwBs

    Not swelling after pumping, is that bad ??

    Yea I know that but what I am saying is that I’m not even seeing any temporary growth after pumping and I am worried I am doing something wrong :/
  4. BitchwBs

    Not swelling after pumping, is that bad ??

    Hi there guys I am very new to the whole breast pumping thing and am wondering if I am doing something wrong because after I’m done pumping my Breasts just go right back to their size, no swelling at all after I take it out of the pump. So it enlarges when using the pump only. Does this mean I’m...