Recent content by minnie34

  1. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Hey PH, That sounds awful :( know the bent over double feeling all too well. Were you able to get some sort of treatment at all, or was it just a case of grinning and bearing until it settled down? I don't know what has been going on this year - so many people have been sick, even people who...
  2. minnie34

    Newbie w/excess skin postBFing and NB questions, any feedback much appreciated!:)

    Karebear, can I just say that you have an absolutely fab starting point!! I think you are going to have great success with the NB, I really do! A fellow long-time nurser here (all in all 6 years....but I only have two kids :o), but when I was done, mine were just shrivelled up, with no excess...
  3. minnie34

    Hydro Noogling

    Hi Pump 42, hydro noogling is when you fill the cups with water and then noogle. The idea being that the water helps with the swelling and stretching. I've done it a few times. It's messy :) If you do it in the bath though, it's quite easy.
  4. minnie34

    Zercher's progress

    That is great Zercher, if you're already seeing some swelling it looks like this could work for you! Fingers crossed, really looking forward to seeing your progress and updates :)
  5. minnie34

    Zercher's progress

    Yes I definitely think it would work with the M cup, my guess is that the whole point is to stretch tissue in a more localised way, the cups used should not matter so much. I've started now, as I could do with a lot more underboob. And side boob. Heck, I'll take some overboob too while I'm at...
  6. minnie34

    Zercher's progress

    Gorgeous Zercher, just gorgeous! Very jealous! As regards to growing more boob on the other side (as opposed to getting more growth towards the armpits), check out the cups myself and Padded Hell are going to try - we need more underboob. Link in the last or second last page of the the thread...
  7. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Hmmm Hopeful, now you've got me thinking about investing.....My poor purse s cringing!! :) I'd be very interested in hearing how you get on with it, especially after six months, which seems to be the recommended minimum. PH, cups arrived today. Very exited!! ;D
  8. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    PH, thank you so much for the link. I was looking at them last night and had put them in my basket, so after reading your post all I had to do was to proceed to checkout. I bet there is knack to putting them on, but it can't be worse than hydro noogling?? :D You know, that girl could very well...
  9. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Very happy to hear that the candida has calmed down. Amazing how the body craves that which really isn't good for it at all. The cold weather certainly doesn't help and I think It's normal to crave fast carbs in order for the body to warm itself up and stuff. I hope to keep off it as much and as...
  10. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Happy New Year Noogle sis!! Here's to an exceptional one. It must be, as I face the big Four O, going to make the most of my last months still in my 30's :P I'm very sorry to hear about both digestive issues and IBS, and of course, Candida - the gift that keeps on giving! So hard to get rid of...
  11. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Argh PH A whole month since I last posted?? First there was the cold, then the 3 week gastric bug. Yep. Utterly delightful. Sure, my tummy is flatter, but my bra is looser so I take no joy in a slimmer waist right now :'( Quickly approaching the 5 year mark and wondering, wondering what to do...
  12. minnie34

    Quest For Breasts

    You've had great results!! Put your before pic next to your current pic and you'll clearly see the difference. Good for you, your boobs look great and again, great progress! :)
  13. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Hmmm, I did not know that she had noogled for that long each day. But it makes sense as it does seem that 4 hours+ of noogling daily gives very good results, judging from others who have done it too. If only there more hours in a day - by the time I get a chance to sit down in the evenings I am...
  14. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    PH, it's age. I'm telling you - I used to be fir as a fiddle in my 20's, and pretty strong and healthy for the first half of my 30's too. But you know - and I realise it sounds crazy - but after the rear ending, it was as if my whole system became seriously compromised. Sure, I had had colds and...
  15. minnie34

    Padded Hell's Program

    Hey PH, so sorry to hear that you had such a nasty infection and that the tmj flared up again :( I find that if get any virus these days, I immediately feel it in my hands and neck. Funny, isn't it? Well, bless your hubby. Like most men I've met, he obviously doesn't know when to stop talking...