Recent content by nazishtk16

  1. N

    new noogler trying to gain some!

    Thanks Anastasia for the advice! I do work out, but I do high intensity interval training for 15 minutes. It is very intense but with school and all I want is a great kick ass workout without going to the gym. Anyways!! I do think that I need to wait longer!!! There are some days where I see a...
  2. N

    new noogler trying to gain some!

    Hey Gals! I am a new noogler and just started noogling Aug 24th. So, I haven't been noogling for long. I noogle about an hour and a half everyday except on the weekends when I go home. I do see swelling as soon as I start pumping (which I assume is solely due to pumping) but once the domes are...
  3. N

    new noogleberry user with no clue!!

    Thankyou Now, I did get the domes to stick to my breast. I do have the airlock system. But I don't know how to use it. Any help/explanation with that. And one more thing, Where is the clamp on the pump? Is it a small button. ??? Thankyou very much!!!
  4. N

    new noogleberry user with no clue!!

    Hi All Ok, This question may be redundant but I seriously need help. I don't know the A,B,C'S of noogleberring and the little handout that the package comes with is not clear at explaining exactly how to perform the task. Ok, So I managed to get the cups to adhere to my breasts and swell once I...
  5. N

    stupidest question number 1

    no girl!!! i actually haven't even started noogling..........but on that note, my left breast is a tad bit smaller than the right one....... thanks for your help~~~
  6. N

    stupidest question number 1

    thanks girl!!i will soon try pumping with both cups on!!!! once i go a month and a half.........can't wait!!!!!
  7. N

    stupidest question number 1

    Hello beautiful ladies!! I am a newbie at this forum. I am trying to read all of the information before I start noogling. I did get my noogleberry a few weeks ago but I haven't started noogling as I am at my parents house.........I did try the cups etc when I was still at my dormitory. when I...