Recent content by tattoodoll23

  1. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    Ok. So yea i ddnt get this reply till now. And took a break any ways.... now im doing a 5 min hold with only 1 cup which means 5 min off forr the other.......lokks great at 30 mon in...... best swell yet :)
  2. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    Thank each one of you for you advice and support. I had to take a break due to somethings going on here at home. Kinda mad at myself for not staying consistent. But im back on track now... and hopefully i can make these things stay with a few of your ideas. Thanks so much again.
  3. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    No. I only got te small rings... i didnt think about it... was all new and excited to try.... :( but I Still in my 1st week. Maybe next week will be easier ....
  4. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    Well an updated on this aggravating issue. I got my M domes..... :,,-( they are too big!........ my fiance says to just slow down..... yes i get aggravated easy. But im NOT giving up!!!! I will have my full B's one day soon......
  5. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    I got the small ones. But i ordered the medium-sized domes afterwords... I'm waiting on those to arrive. Hoping those fit better.
  6. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    Thanks to the both of you. I was starting to worry about being stuck to my bed with my arms only at my side... At a small A....Goal=full B
  7. T

    NBE only or supplements also.

    Currently i am only doing NBE 2x a day with hour sessions. To get the best growth should i add some kind of supplement or could i get same results without any thing extra. My goal is a full B. I just want to look like a woman not a child.
  8. T

    OMG. i cant move.

    Ok. Im still new only the 3rd day. But I've realized i can't move a muscle. If i do my cups come rite off! Every time..... very aggravating .... and i loose my patients quickly .... please help me.... :'(
  9. T

    skin fungus from the sun causes red spots.

    I can't locate her email. Do you have it?
  10. T

    pumping ??s. or how to pump?

    Do the 2 types make a difference on the growth. I know this is very slow process. But cmon. Ive lived 23 years with them this way. No need to rush and be disappointed. I was just wandeeing if i could try both for a bit and see of my growth would be the same or better... or.......... ??? ??
  11. T

    skin fungus from the sun causes red spots.

    My red spots are dark and stay about a day. My?? Is are they ok with the skin condition. It only puts discolored splotces on my skin on worsens in the sun. I notices my red spots are worse around/in the spots. Am i in danger. Please help.
  12. T

    pumping ??s. or how to pump?

    When pumping do i want to pump to the fullest, or just what's comfortable. Or am i pumping and keeping that pressure, or relasling it and repumping... HELP AND SORE. PLEASE
  13. T

    1st day of NB. got some ??s

    Thank you. I started the 3rd. But soon thought it would be too much.... i am still at an hour. But i noticed i was pumping to hard. Had my fiance help. He over pumped me... ouch!. But any more advice im welcome to take thanks ....
  14. T

    1st day of NB. got some ??s

    Ok. I got my nooglberry today. So far ive noogles 2x. Thin?,king about a third. Only 1 hour sessions. Is this ok? Too much? Little tender at the top of my breast? Just wandering what would be a good schedule or just some advice other then the paper that only gives the basics..... please...