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  1. W

    Pumping everyday is not good? Or is it??

    Hello Veteran NB'ers! I started noogling in Dec 2013 after my brava blew out. Since I was a Brava veteran I started with1 to 2 hours a night but am wondering now if that's too much. Because I didn't get much swelling and actually feel like my breast got smallr after the swelling went down...
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    To snoogle or not to snoogle

    Well I tried snoogling last night for the first time. I put the dome on two hours later woke up, adjusted, put on for another two hour,s woke up, adjusted.... Wore for a total of 6 hours. (three 2 hour hold sessions) AND for the first time since using the noogleberry I actually got and...
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    Areola stopper method

    So i tried various forms of the nipple stopper method but I am still getting wide areola growth. Is there something other than tape and bandaids to keep the areola form stretching?
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    Nipple Stopper?

    This is a great post. Maybe Lucy can come up with a device that we don't have to make ourselves that fits easily in the domes?
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    Brava Swelling VS Noogleberry Swelling

    That's a good idea Mumma Bear - taking breaks. I will try that as well.
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    Brava Swelling VS Noogleberry Swelling

    Hi James! I started Brava back in May 2012, after a failed fat transfer, I initially wore it for no less than 10 hours but usually 12. On weekends I would sometimes get in up to 18 hours. My swelling was awesome but didn't last the whole day. By the time I woild get home from work about 10...
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    Pump and Release - 7:2 or 10:2

    Hi James. Thanks for your reply. I don't drink a lot of water, maybe that is my issue. Thanks for the tip. I use cocoa, shea, and olive oil mix is safflower better for welling? Also, you mention after 2 months to pump only twice a week, will that not cause the cells to lose memory so to speak.
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    Pump and Release - 7:2 or 10:2

    Quick question, I am the 7:2 method. Pump and hold for 7 minutes and releast for 2. It seems to work okay but I don't get much swelling this way. Is pumping and holding for 10 minutes and then releasing and immeditaly pumping again better for faster swelling? Has anyone gotten good...
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    Brava Swelling VS Noogleberry Swelling

    Well ladies after a solid year of daily Brava wear and incredible swelling I have vitually none, if any, permanent growth - maybe some skin stretching and a teeny tiny bit of growth on one breast but that's IT! I am back on the Noogleberry system since implants are not an option! I have read...
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    Why is the last post dated October 2012

    Hmm, this seems odd. I logged into the NB breast forum and gallery and all the last posts are dated oct 2012. Is the forum shutting down - or maybe my login is glitchy??
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    Has anyone used Brava and NB at the same time?

    I just posted something similar to this question a few minutes ago - before I read my replies to this post - so sorry for the duplicate info. To all who inquired - I am now using the NB pump with the Brava domes and I am getting awesome swelling. But a few days I overpumped my smaller breast...
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    Anyone use Noogleberry Pump with Brava and Got Results

    I've posted on here off and on over past years but it's been a while. Been on a boob recovery Journey for so long. Recently had fat transfer - at first went well then lost all or almost all of my fat. Considering the cost and pain I was absolutely devastated. but it is what it is. I am...
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    Has anyone used Brava and NB at the same time?

    someone brought this up in my last post so i'm curious if anyone else has tried and had good resulst. I'm doing Brava right now b/c I'm post fat transfer and have to do brava at least 3 months for the fat to stay. I've been thinking about noogling after the 3 months, but someone mentioned...
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    Does Anastasia still post here? and Fat Transfer/Implant followup

    your cuties - another quick question - do you still use your NB pump with your Brava domes? I'm going out of town this weekend with someone I've been seeing a little while. he knows I'm doing the brava just hasn't seen me wearing these gigantic missles. thinking about sending him away while I...
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    Does Anastasia still post here? and Fat Transfer/Implant followup

    Hi yourcuties thanks for the reply. I didn't know you could use brava with the noogleberry pump I will definitely look into that. Tank Girl thanks for the update. I've never heard of zoft gum. I bought some fennel seed, maca and damiana to help with the growing, and msm. So worried my...
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    Does Anastasia still post here? and Fat Transfer/Implant followup

    Hi Ladies and Anastasia (I remember Anastasi had replied to some of my posts and I recently saw she had posted on Breast Nexus that she's now a D - that's awesome, and I have questions for her is she still posts here - but more to come on that later. Back to my implant/fat transfer story. Well...
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    Getting discouraged...thinking of implants

    nooglebunny, please read my post that I just put in the forum about my breast implant disaster and what i have been left with. the other lady got her boobs in august 2011 that's not near enough time to know if you will have complications or not. my body rejected them formed scar tissue around...
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    Breast implant disaster, please help

    Hi Ladies. I had implants removed over 15 years ago and slowly my right breast has strunken to a whole size smaller than my left as well as changed shape. It's so awful I can barely look in the mirror. when they were removed I had a lot of scar tissure and this awful doctor when he removed my...
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    A word of encouragement

    Ok, so I have had my highs & low with NB - first is 2009 when I gave up and now in 2010 when I decided to give it another go. When I first started in Oct 2010 I had horrible results - no swelling whatsoever - worse than 2009. but I just kept going. i started with medium, then added rings...
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    Found the ex-implanter thread! Are there any ex-implanters that have continued noogling? I've started back up - just the right smaller/deformed breast (as we all seem to have one that is more mis-shapened?