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  1. S

    Using the Medium Domes for too long?

    Hi There, I've been noogling for about 6 months now and am wondering if I'm doing myself harm by sticking to the medium domes instead of moving on to the larges. I started out with the mediums and moved up to the larges within about 2 months. However, when I moved house in June, I misplaced the...
  2. S

    More Frequent, Shorter Noogling Sessions vs. Longer, Less Frequent Sessions

    Hi All, Just wanted to get some opinions on whether more frequent, shorter noogling sessions produce better, or the same results as less frequent, but longer noogling sessions. Somewhere on the forum, I read that the more often you noogle, the faster you see results. Currently, I noogle for...
  3. S

    Reduction of Original Breast Size?

    Hi All, I've been noogling for about 6 weeks now, and while I am about to move on from the medium cups to the large, I've noticed something distressing about my breasts. When the swelling from noogling has completely subsided, my breasts appear smaller in size than they did before I ever started...
  4. S


    Hi All, I’ve noticed talk of cleavage throughout this forum and the various techniques on how to grow it (i.e., positioning the domes closer together by tying a pair of pantyhose around your chest) and was wondering if this is something integral to the Noogleberry process. I mean, as breast size...
  5. S

    Itchiness while Noogling

    Hi All, I've been Noogling for about a week now and have been experiencing extreme itchiness in my breasts during the last 4 or 5 sessions. I'm not exactly sure what may be causing this, but my feeling is that my skin is reacting adversely to the body lotion I'm using. I was wondering what...