Search results

  1. K

    Noogling and pill

    Hi there, Was just wondering how many NB users are on the pill? I am currently on Necon and have been pumping for about a month and a half now--my swelling seems to vary based on the time of the month. I got a new prescription for Yaz but I read that it has a diuretic to prevent water...
  2. K

    Diet and Swelling

    Are there certain foods or nutrients that are essential for good swelling and growth and certain ones to avoid? I noticed that if I have a few alcoholic drinks in a night then my swelling goes down faster/sooner and I swell less the next time I pump. Has anyone else noticed this?
  3. K

    Snoogling and success?

    I've been reading up on snoogling and the brava system. I haven't read many stories about snoogling progress on this forum. I was wondering if snoogling along with regular pumping during the day can help accelerate growth and replicate idea of the brava system (10 weeks for results?)? Has...
  4. K

    Kai's Stats and Progess

    Hi there! I've been noogling since Nov 16th and already seeing a little swelling and results (I don't have a camera yet but I will try to take pics one day). My starting stats: Age: 21 no kids Height: 5'8.5" Weight: 116 lbs Underbust: 27" Bust: 32" I'm a full 32AA/small 32A. I'm setting small...
  5. K

    Leaning forward or lying back?

    I started noogling about 2 weeks ago and I'm still getting the hang of it. I think I'm a full 32AA/small 32A. Is it best to noogle while sitting up very straight or leaning forward or sitting back? I find that I'm "fleshier" when I'm leaning forward and it hurts less. When I lean forward I can...