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  1. A-wal

    A-wal to B-eauty

    Thank Jenni! I am so ecstatic...but I know from reading so many threads that there will be a down period, so I'm trying not to have unrealistic expectations. I have tried Greenbush herbs before with just the massage techniques and I did see some progress. But it was a lot of work having to...
  2. A-wal

    A-wal to B-eauty

    Alright, so I am through my first month of using noogleberry. Yaaayyy! ;D ;DI feel so accomplished that for the last month I was able to noogle everyday. I did take pics as suggested and I can see some difference, but still close to wall flat, lol! My new measurements are encouraging...
  3. A-wal

    Moogles progress

    Moogle, Yeah, I think I meant more along the pump and release with the 7:2, cause I forgot the "massage" for 2 min. I have done the pump and release with hydro without having to empty the cups and it works pretty well. Cups end up full in half the time. So, then I just do the hold portion...
  4. A-wal

    A-wal to B-eauty

    Jenni, The one you are referring to is the one that I saw a thread on prior to deletion. I did see that some people were not able to tolerate it, and some were. Not sure what was the difference, may different sellers included a guide and some did not. I definitely will heed the advise and...
  5. A-wal

    A-wal to B-eauty

    Thanks "B", I am going to order them tomorrow. I'm also thinking about getting one of those electric breast massagers from ebay that I read about in another thread. It supposed to stimulate blood flow and exercises the pectoral muscles. Haven't seen much written on here addressing that but...
  6. A-wal

    my barely b's

    They definitely don't look tuberous. And they are much fuller than the beginning photos. Kudos, keep up what you are doing, you've had good progress the first month. Hope mine get at least to your beginning photos after a month!
  7. A-wal

    A-wal to B-eauty

    Thanks for the input, I will proceed with the order for the mediums. I don't know if I will switch right away as it takes 2 hours to fill the small cups. But, I will get them ordered.
  8. A-wal

    Moogles progress

    Thanks for that explanation. Working in the healthcare field, I never even equated the two! Please do re-post the article when you have time. Have you tried that with hydro?
  9. A-wal

    A-wal to B-eauty

    I got my NB on Feb. 21 and have been noogling since the day the package arrived. I am now wondering when to switch to larger cups. I currently have the small cup. My beginning stats are: Underbust: 28" Bustline: 30" Overbust: 30" If I were to describe my bustline it should read "FLAT"...
  10. A-wal

    Moogles progress

    Moogleberry, there is definitely progress in both the side and front views. In the front view, you can see the fullness above the nipples. The side view is a little fuller as well. I really noticed in the front shots though. I'm glad to see you have such great progress. I'm a sloooowww...
  11. A-wal

    Why is the last post dated October 2012

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one that had their account deleted. I thought at first that I had violated some policy or something. I feel bad for all of you that had been journaling your progress here. I hope as well that the information is not gone and they are able to restore the post as...
  12. A-wal

    Kai's Stats and Progess

    Wow Kai! Those pics are great! I am starting about where you did, so this is very encouraging. I have been doing 2 sessions a day at 1-1/2 hours each. The first is a hydro noogle and the second is aero. I have more success filling the cups with the hydro, not so much with the aero method...
  13. A-wal

    Padded Hell's Program

    I'm trying to figure that out as well. My whole account got deleted and my few posts as well. I am kind of upset about that cause any of the tips that followed are now gone. Uuuugghhhh.