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    Silicone Comfort Sleeves

    Hi Girls, I found the most AMAZING thing on ebay! I found pink silicone rings for NoogleBerry cups! If I could afford them I would snatch up a set right this moment! I wonder if this is a new product, or an old one that was discontinued? I would LOVE to see Lucy carry these. They look like...
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    CL Cups needed

    I am looking to see if anyone has a pair of Contoured Large Cups they are willing to part with. I have outgrown my medium cups, and desperately need CL's. I need to get as much development by August as possible before class starts, and I am about to stall out. Even with the discount for...
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    NoogleBerry Poll

    Hi everyone! I have been picking through posts and what not here on the forum looking for how everyone uses their NoogleBerry. Such as how long people pump, what creams, oils, and herbs people use, etc.. However, there is no real repository of information to be had anywhere. What I would...
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    My Nooglberry is on it's way!

    Hi Girls! I am SO excited tonight, my NoogleBerry should be shipped in the next day or so! ;D I have a medium system on it's way, and I absolutely cannot wait to get started! I am also working on getting some PM cream before it gets here, as well. ~CC~
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    CC's NoogleBerry Journey

    My name is Chellsie (CC is fine,) I hail from Central Texas. I am 32 years old, and am a T-Girl. I am HOH and have been pecking at ASL for a while now. I have started on a degree in web and database programming and design. I had to take a hiatus from college due to medical issues pertinent...