acd Stats


New Member
Here are my stats after just three weeks of using my 'Noogleberry' (which I love).

Under bust - 39"
Around fullest (nipples) - 41"
Above - 40"

And feeling so full and nice :). after my first post ( see 1st stats, acd) I am making good progress and very quickly I think too but I do noogle as much as I can. I have ordered some PM capsules from ebay so will be taking those along with my noogling and so hoping for some really nice results.
Thank you to all you guys who contribute to this forum I have spent hours and hours picking up tips and advice here ;)

Dianne (acd)


New Member
That's great news, acd! Nothing like getting good results to keep you going.

I'm trying to figure out how much you've grown, but i'm american and don't know the metric's see.....103 cms......i think it's 2.54 cm an inch :-\ you were ......ugg...40 something inches :-\ and now are 41. sounds like almost an inch in 3 weeks.... that's fabulous!!! :)

keep on noogling and keep us posted!!
