New Member
Hi everyone.

I am found this forum by accident and am finding it to be a very important support network. I am not using the Noogleberry , but am using the 'Enhance' system which I have been using for the past 3 weeks. I was wandering if this forum is only for Noogleberry users, or if anyone using any NME method can post and access some support.
thank you.


New Member
Welcome, I too am A new user, And have found this
site one of the best that I have run across so far.
All have answered some of my questions with out asking
The information on this site is just awsome.
A little time and reading, You will find out that there are
not to many questions un answered. BE assured to ask
any that you might have, Some one will be able to give you
an answer.


New Member
Hi Growingup
Welcome! I too started using the enhance system and joined this forum when I broke my domes because I was interested in the product and network. I replaced the medium domes with noogleberry ones. The systems are very similar but so much cheaper here. I still have and now use enhance large domes but despite still fitting 'A' cup bras, I have nearly filled them but not really grown as such. I can claim about 1/4 inch so far but I am still very pleased with the overall results, and it is early days yet for me. I am planning to get some more domes and pump from noogleberry to continue. Enhance say they are suitable for small C cups so I should not really need any more domes yet but I know I Will do within the next 2 weeks at the rate I am going. I can't believe I have outgrown them. Initially they hurt and I could not get suction on the large domes. I did not imagine I would. How is it going for you? Sue


New Member
The problem with loss of suction can be controled
with the use of lots of lotion before pumping. You
must be carefull to not over pump the first few times
as the rate of suction will be different now (more).
Be carefull and have fun, Jamie2