before and after pics on facebook


New Member
i knew a few people from ____(the past)_________, and today i felt like walking down memory lane and lurking through their facebook pics. Some of them were obese when i knew them, but have since lost weight yet they still keep their before pictures up. And some of the girls i knew were small chested, had plastic surgery to get double d's and they too still keep their before pictures up. I find something very honest with this. first off, i think it's remarkable that they share their lives on the net, and also that they keep old pictures of themselves before their transformations too.

if i were to undergo such a transformation, i wonder if i'd share my past pictures with my present life?

what are all of your takes on this subject?


New Member
facebook is basically a site where you can find old friends so I think they probably keep old pics up to also allow people from their past to help recognize them. Most don't recognize me without my hair being blonde, so I keep old pics as well to help others recognize me. But as far as big transformations, most are very proud of them and want to show it off, like hey look what I did, I lost such and such weight. It's a pride thing. I don't see anything wrong with it :D I plan that once I achieve a breast size I am completely happy with without a doubt and get to the weight and tone of my body I want... I'm going to go get sexy pics taken from a professional photographer and post them everywhere and also have older pics up hahaha but I like to show off :p