Bloating from NB?



I've been Noogling for 7 weeks and, overall, think it's just amazing. I have noticed that I seem a bit bloated all over (feet, face, stomach) and frequently have a lot of gas and abdominal discomfort. Could it somehow related to the NB pumping and swelling? It seems far-fetched, but the bloating started at the same time I began Noogling, and I haven't been doing anything different in my daily routine otherwise. I'm wondering if anyone experienced anything like this?



Oh Cheryl, sorry to hear that. :mad:

Yeh, sounded like it was due to NB. What position are you at while pumping ? Would it be possible to lay down as much so that most of your body is same level as your breasts. I do not mean totally lie down but surely you can if you want to and get good suction ( I do that too from time to time).

I noticed that if I would pump while standing (especially with XL cups) my arms would feel like blood wasn't circulate very well there so i tried to avoid that position. If not , I wouldn't pump long while standing.

I hope you feel better by now since your post had been since end of March.



Yeah I've noticed this too..but its not an issue for me because I have a mild form of IBS to begin with..I have a probiotic everyday and that (strangely enough) seems to help with the bloating/gas..
I wonder if this user's issues were resolved.