Does anybody have extra silicone tubing for NB pump?


Veteran Noogler
I am in need of new silicone tubing for my NB pump. Does anybody have any extra that they don't need or know a place where I can get it at a reasonable price? Get in touch with me if have any or know of a place. I'd order it from Lucy but it would take forever for it to get to me.


New Member
hey dustin, I just went with some air tubing, though it's not as flexible as the silicone it lasts so much longer and is soooo cheap and you can get it almost anyhardware/autoparts/petstore fish supply dept. Had a hard time locating silicone tubing and it's kind of spensive


Veteran Noogler
As far as the tubing goes I actually got tubing from Noogleberry. I had contacted Lucy because my hand pump had broken inside the cylinder. So I got a replacement hand pump and ordered the meter of tubing as well.