Done breastfeeding 1 month ago... ok to start NB?


New Member
Hi - I've been lurking around here for a while and now extremely intrigued about the NB, esp with all the positive results I've been reading about here!

I used to be a 34A until I breastfed my two girls....and now I can barely fit into my 34As (I hate to admit I am definitely a 32/34AA now) :-[ I would LOVE to get up to a B!!!!

That being said, I just finished breastfeeding my youngest daughter about a month ago... is it too early to start using the NB and/or start on NBE pills (I am thinking of trying Wonderup along with the NB - any experience with this?)?? Should I be worried about stimulating milk production again? I was only breastfeeding once a day and pretty sure I was producing a minimal amount of milk, which is the main reason I stopped.

Any advice would be extremely helpful. Thanks so much in advance!!!


New Member
I personally would advise against any NBE especially a pump until after 6 months after you have completely dried up, meaning no lactation at all not even a few drops. Mainly because pumping and any other form of NBE can make you start producing milk more until your breasts are completely back to normal so to speak. I feel your pain on the after breastfeeding bit. I was a 32A maybe a 32B in some brands of bras before pregnancy, then during pregnancy and breastfeeding I went to a 34C, after breastfeeding I went down to a saggy 32AA but I would wear padded 32A and 32B bras and I would stuff them even more. I would not admit I was a AA. But really it is best to wait. I know you are excited to start but trust me it's worth it. My son is a little over 5. I only was able to breastfeed him for 3 months before I dried up. After that I waited 9 more months (I waited until he was a year old) to start any NBE and I was looking into it even before I got preggers. I have been doing various things for NBE the past 4 years. I tried herbal products, I tried individual herbs, I tried a few creams, I used and still use a breast exercise device, and I'm currently using noogleberry of course and BO (bovine ovary) to be exact I take Ultra Breast. NB and the BO are the things that helped me the most. I grew 2 inches with one herbal product in the past which took me from the AA to a 32B, and NB and the BO made me go from that to a now 34C/32D. I have my before and progress pics on here in the gallery section. What I would do while you are waiting until you can start is... go to and look up all your options for NBE. Read up on everything and research research RESEARCH!! Then you can make a more informed decision on what kind of supplements and such you want to take. But I definitely think a pump is the one best way to go and NB is the best when you compare to others and weigh in the pros and cons. As far as I have read Wonderup is the best herbal commercial product for NBE as far as others have said, I have not personally used it so I can't say if that's true. As far as herbal products I've used Breast Gain Plus (now known as Breast Actives) and wasted a ton of money and got no results and was never given my promised money back, I've used Zoft Breast Gum which I took for 6 months and grew 2 inches, I've used individual herbs, mainly from greenbush and some extracts bought from a health food store that I used in lotion as a NBE cream to massage with, I got nasty side effects from the herbs and discontinued use after 2 months (side effects include but not limited to... weight gain, more severe acne, cellulite, mood swings, severe cramps during period, hair loss, loss of sex drive, etc.), I used Femagis which Teeny sent me as she couldn't use it, I used two tubs of it (it's a PM cream) and I didn't see any growth but it did minimize the little stretchmarks I had on my breasts and tightened the skin there. Those are the other things I've used besides what I'm currently taking. With the BO I do not have any negative side effects. Now as far as what NBE things you can do while waiting for your breasts to completely dry up and go back to normal... you can massage with regular lotion or oil, there are some great massage techniques on the forum link I just gave, you can do heat therapy, hydrotherapy, hypnosis, or subliminal NBE hypnosis, you can also do the exercises that will perk the breasts back up such as any chest exercises, I personally use the Easy Curves device which took me from saggy to perky after my son, you could even get an electronic massager from ebay if you like to tone the breasts. But I would advise against supplements, NBE creams, or pumps until you are fully out of the breastfeeding boob syndrome as I like to call it. Hope this helps!


New Member
Hi Anastasia - thank you so much for your advice and really taking the time to answer my question. I am really eager to get started on this, but at the same time completely understand the reasons for waiting... I have been doing a lot of research and all signs point to "wait" for now, which I've decided to do. I'm on the fence about herbal products (still have to do more research) because of potential side effects....the only thing I've ever taken is a multivitamin!! :-[ That being said, other than BO, are you taking anything else? Thanks also for the suggestions I can do while waiting... greatly appreciated! I look forward to ordering my NB in 5 (yikes!!) months and fingers crossed I'll be able to show progression! ;)


New Member
Okay a run down of what I'm taking:
3 Ultra Breast pills per day per directions, 1 pill 3 times per day
6 collagen tablets per day, 2 each time I take UB
3 flaxseed oil pills per day, per directions, 1 pill 3 times daily
3 EPO (evening primrose oil) pills per day, 1 pill 3 times daily
1 kelp pill per day to help my temp for the BO to work
1 multivitamin per day
1 biotin pill per day (hair supplement)
2 horsetail pills per day (hair supplement)
1 birth control pill per day

Morning: 1 UB, 2 collagen, 1 EPO, 1 flax, 1 biotin, 1 kelp
Noon: 1 UB, 2 collagen, 1 EPO, 1 flax, 1 horsetail, 1 multivitamin
Night: 1 UB, 2 collagen, 1 EPO, 1 flax, 1 horsetail, birth control

Other than this I try to get 80g or more of protein throughout the day for the BO to work, if I can't which is rare, I supplement it by drinking a protein shake or eating protein bars.

When I took herbs in the past I was taking like 26 pills per day not including anything other than just NBE pills. So taking alot of pills per day is not a big deal for me. the collagen, horsetail, biotin, epo, and flaxseed are not needed for BO to work, I just take them because they are beneficial otherwise. Other than this I listen to a NBE subliminal CD everyday for at least 30 min, I massage my breasts 5 to 15 min before I noogle, I noogle 1 to 3 times per day.

When I type it all out it sounds like alot lol but it's second nature to me now, it's like a routine, not a chore, I do it sometimes without even realizing, it's like brushing your teeth, washing you face, exercising, etc. when you make it a habit, it's second nature.