"Dumb" questions from a n00b


Cerca Trova
I just signed up on this forum and I am about to buy a noogleberry but I have some questions first. You can answer any or all of them.

I have read around on breastnexus and on this forum so I know a little about noogleberry but still not much

1. Say I'm an 36 A and I want to get to a B of some sort, do I buy the medium size cups?
2. Should I buy the $60 kit or the items separately to save money? I noticed the only thing I wouldn't get if I bought separate items is the case and the instructions. I can do without a case but I think instructions would be helpful. Can I find them online somewhere?
3. Does caffeine interfere with the effects of noogleberry just like it interferes with the effects of fenugreek?
4. How will I know if I'm growing or if it's just swelling? From what I've read at first you see swelling but how do you tell the difference between real growth and swelling?


New Member
Okay let me take a crack at em...

1. Say I'm an 36 A and I want to get to a B of some sort, do I buy the medium size cups?

I would say go with the mediums or larges, the smalls would be too small for you. I started as a 32B and started with the mediums, used them 2 months then moved on to the larges for a few months then moved on to the XL's I'm currently using the XL's

2. Should I buy the $60 kit or the items separately to save money? I noticed the only thing I wouldn't get if I bought separate items is the case and the instructions. I can do without a case but I think instructions would be helpful. Can I find them online somewhere?

You can save money by just being a forum member :p if you look there are threads that only forum members can see with discount codes. You can buy the items however you want, I don't know what the instructions have now as I bought my NB a year ago but you can learn anything you need to know right here on the forum. I did bout the double pump system with the medium domes when I first started though, I got an airlock also, the soft cup rings, and a clamp in my first order, I ordered the things I just listed all separate but it shows the total in paypal. I personally didn't like the soft cup rings, some women like them, I didn't. I liked the airlock as I do pump and hold as my technique, and the clamp wasn't useful for long and I ended up using a clamp I bought at a local store.

3. Does caffeine interfere with the effects of noogleberry just like it interferes with the effects of fenugreek?

No caffeine doesn't matter, in fact I use noogleberry and take BO and I drink coffee, sodas, tea, etc. and still grow. Caffeine only effects herbs because herbs work on water retention, caffeine gets rid of it. That's why you can't have caffeine while taking herbs.

4. How will I know if I'm growing or if it's just swelling? From what I've read at first you see swelling but how do you tell the difference between real growth and swelling?

Swelling only occurs after a while of pumping, you probably won't get any swelling the first few times you pump. I didn't see any swelling for a week or two weeks of pumping. The swelling goes down fast at first but over time can last longer and longer. My swelling now after a year lasts probably 6 to 8 hours, so I normally measure for permanent growth 10 to 12 hours or so since I last pumped, that's when I don't have anymore swelling. I also have taken a day off from pumping and then measured. As far as permanent growth, I started NB 34 inches on the fullest part, I'm now 36 1/2 inches. With swelling I can get to 38 inches. So once you get the nack of it, you will know what is swelling and what isn't.

hope this helps and good luck!


New Member
Anastasia gave you some good advice. I'm a new noogler, but I'll put in my two cents...as far as the kit vs. buying separately...I bought the kit. I actually didn't even add up all the prices separately...I liked the convenience of just adding the kit into my cart. To be honest, I haven't even looked at my instructions. If you really want them, I'd send mine to you, lol. The information I found on the forums is MORE than enough info, and answers are just a post away ;) As for size, I'm a 34B, which is a sister size to 36A. I started on larges, and I filled them in two weeks, so I ordered XL's which haven't come yet. I would say since your ribcage is larger (the 36..) maybe larges would be ok for you? If you email Lucy, she'd be more than happy to help you out with sizing by asking more questions about different measurements. If you'd like, check out my thread in the gallery and you can see my before noogle pictures to compare and whatnot. Good luck!!