Enjoying my breasts


Active Member
I just took these pictures and wanted to share them with everybody. I am still pumping and massaging regularly and taking my breast enhancement supplements daily. I am very much enjoying them everyday and I am so happy I have them


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New Member
How long have doi it for . Ive been pump ing since 2021. but been using natureday supplements monday .


Active Member
Hey all. Things have been going awesome with my breast development. I have a few new bras I wanted to show off and here are a couple of them.


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I have been trying to turn my once muscular chest into a pair of beautiful breasts. I have been pumping constantly for the last couple years and have been using daily massages with breast enlargement cream. I have to use the XL Cups as they are the only size that fit them. Here are some pictures of my beautiful breasts that Noogleberry has helped me achieve.
Whenever I see breasts like yours my groin reacts majorly and I am dressed in a skirt no panty of course. I enjoy seeing these beautiful breasts. I am not keen on implants that takes away the natural shape of how breasts should look like. Breasts that look like balloons doesn't do it for me.


I would love everyone who sees this linc to go to it and look at the pictures I took of myself and read my sexy stories that go with them. You will be instantly encouraged to grow your breasts and worship them like I do. Enjoy!!!

I am truly happy for you that your wife enjoy seeing / touching your breasts. Back in the fall of 2018 I wanted to get the products from Natureday Inc. and suggested that to my wife. She said sure, her breasts were very small. When I got the products from Natureday she told me to use the products as well which was a surprise. So I started to use them myself. in the spring of 2019 my chest was not flat anymore and she made nice comments on my little breasts, she had no problem putting my tiny breasts into her mouth. Sadly, she got very sick in June 2019 especially last two weeks of June and at the wrong time as she and I had to fly to Toronto, Canada for surgery. My surgery was cancelled for June 25, 2019. She passed away in her sleep on July 8, 2019. I stopped taking the products as I had no one to show off my breasts. After a few months I started to use the products again and my friend attacks my breasts with force they now bigger than before my wife's passing. My surgery was rescheduled and had my operation on Set. 11, 2019. Fast forward. My operation didn't worked out the pain in my groin Orchialgia came back and now my doctor told me that I need surgery, I have to have surgery but the only place / clinic in Canada is in Montreal. Few years ago I had a heart attack. The specialist inserted two stents and I am back on my feet. I like I said earlier the doctor told me I need this surgery. and so he wrote the clinic and told them so. Last week I get a letter from a clinic that I am scheduled for heart test. The clinic in Montreal have my medical history and of course they learned that I had a heart attack so safety first. This clinic in Montreal is the Transgender Clinic for MtF or FtM surgery. So, If I pass this heart test I have a chance that I get the surgery and that means that I might have a MtF operation. I like my cock very much and so does many guys that have seen my cock but I have no enjoyment due to the intense pain I am on 60 to 80 mg of morphine daily. So I hope that the clinic removes my penis to make me pain free, I lost already lost my left testicle. So I hope that whatever surgery they have in mind hopefully it makes me pain free. I have been living with this agonizing pain for more than 28 years combined. This Montreal clinic does not do a Nullification operation only those I mentioned earlier. will see. There are two types of MtF operation. One with no penetration or partly penetration or full penetration thus about 7 inches deep cavity. I will accept whatever the specialist decide is good for me. I will continue pumping my breasts. I am kind of looking forward to the test as I have to take off my t-shirts or tank tops so they can attach the sensor patches to my bare skin and I will wear my skirt as well. I know this is a long story how I started with pumping but I also want our male population that read this understand that this medical nightmare / issue can happen to anyone of us guys. So Guys, please pay attention to your body. Thanks. Tom


Whenever I see breasts like yours my groin reacts majorly and I am dressed in a skirt no panty of course. I enjoy seeing these beautiful breasts. I am not keen on implants that takes away the natural shape of how breasts should look like. Breasts that look like balloons doesn't do it for me.
Also, natural breast has a more natural feel to them. The tongue and fingers can tell the difference. Like your idea that you are still going without panties and bras. Guess yourfree as a bird at home. Nothing wrong with how you dress or where.