Learned a new trick! First time pumping, long time forum reader.


New Member
Just got done pumping for the first time! Excited because it took me a little bit to figure out how to get a seal (even with oil... Flaxseed oil.) Lots of farting, hand placement changing, pumping, etc, and I finally figured it out.

Also figured out a trick really quick that REALLY helped me. Just so happened I was wearing a tight-ish cotton spaghetti strap tank top (ya know, the kind that have that "inner liner bra" thing). I had pulled it down around my waist while fumbling around trying to attach this sucker to my boobs. Had a hard time getting suction on both, so I just lifted my shirt back up, over the domes and straps back over my shoulders, and VOILA! Not only did it hold the domes in place, it held them close together (for cleavage)- so no need to tie domes together, BUT it also pinches the tubing down! Which worked great for me- Since it cuts off the suction ability, I was able to barely let one dome out of the top of the tank top, straighten the tubing slightly, pump until happy, then pulled the tank top back over and re-pinch the tubing. Repeat with the other side. And I was able to walk around and do things (things that don't require too much arm movement, or they would start farting).

I had tucked in/dropped the pump down my shirt with the tubing running down my stomach on the inside of the tank top, then at the bottom, I actually just hung the pump part on the band of my gym shorts. Worked PERFECT. Especially for pump and release. First time doing it, so I did 7:2 three times then stopped. Also drank about 40 oz of water immediately before & during.

Got some swelling!!! Mild, but definate swelling :) Hope this is a good sign!


New Member
Well, it might not be a NEW trick to some. Lol. But it's a new trick for me. I haven't seen the bra shelf tank top method mentioned yet, but I also haven't read every post in the forum to be fair :)

I've seen several times people tying the domes together with rope or a scarf or other things to help them stay close together to help with the cleavage area. So, I am very excited that this tank top thing took care of several issues at once :)


Fulfilling a dream...
I see you're learning the trade secerts we aren't allowed to talk about. :)

I'll have to keep the tight shirt/tank top idea in mind. I had to learn to use my arms and hands when I started. And I like putting the pump in the waistband of my shorts.

For the arm movement, you'll get more freedom of movement with time and development. I couldn't scratch my nose when I started. Now, I brush and tied my hair up (got long hair too), clean the place (bending and stretch-reaching), or even moderate lifting when doing tasks. Heck, I even make a conscious effort to lay down on my back and move my arms up over my head (like wings) to stretch the sides and underboob. I would do the laundry if I didn't have to walk out in public halls and risk others gawking at my D sized protrusions. Funny, if they were real I would mind less.. lol

Just have fun with it and keep pumping.
