Nilly19's stats


I'm 17 years old, but I thought the earlier the better so why not give it a try..
I'm a 34A I believe, unless I've been measured incorrectly lol.

Under the bust: 29
On the bust: 31.5

After noogling for about a month I am 32" on the bust. I will put pictures up when I reach a B cup (fingers crossed)..(also, not the 32B which is equivalent to a 34A, but a 34B).

I started noogling for about 30 mins each day but I have progressed to about an hour each day and see better swelling. Thanks for reading!:)


New Member
Yay, nilly! ;D

I'm glad to see a another user who is similar in stats as me--esp smaller, is doing well. I'll be rootin' for ya! I'm sure you'll get that B cup going soon enough. ;)


i wish i started at that age...sincei know by the age of 20 you will have the boobs you yes i guess earlier the better :)


Thanks you beautiful ladies:) Yay, I'm glad I share similar stats with some of you...however, I am 25% body fat (I weigh 115 pounds and am 5' I don't look overweight at all, completely average). I have a relatively high % of body fat although my bmi is 19 (very close to underweight). I store most of my fat in my butt and stomach mostly..everything but the boobs! lol..I look around 18% body fat but I'm not haha.

what's really helping me is doing a 30 minute session after school and a 30 minute session before I go to bed..I see better swelling as opposed to just one 30 minute session. Thanks again for the replies, having a good support group always helps.

Happy noogling


Lisads, I used a body fat caliper. Also, one time at Fitness World a trainer there informed that I was 29% BODY FAT??? I was so taken aback and am 100% sure it was wrong, because a BF of over 30% is obese! so I did it myself and got 25%..(that 4% is a big difference lol). And I look average, if not a little lower than average, for my height....and apparently yout BF levels are a determiner of your breast size? Which is odd because my BF is higher than average lol.