Noogling and touching


New Member
Hello all,

My girlfriend is interested in going from a 34B to a 34 C and evening out her bust (one side is a bit smaller than the other).

I've been doing some research for her and came across this site. So, my question is:

Shortly after Noogling, are you too sensitive to touch? Seeing her as a 34C is likely to be... tempting. :D In the collective experience of those who have noogled, is physical contact out shortly after? Or does it serve a positive 'massage' effect?

I'll be sending her info about noogling regardless, but since she's the type of girl to enjoy being touched, it's likely this wouldn't work for her if I had to keep me hands to myself all the time.


New Member
There's no reason why you and your girlfriend can't enjoy the results of noogling when the domes come off. Some users find they are more sensitive after noogling but personally I haven't experienced that and I'm sure your girlfriend would want to show off any post noogling swelling she gets. Hope you both enjoy!! ;)