Snoogling dream!


Stay positive
I heard of people having dreams while using their Noogleberry while sleeping. Well, I tried it the other night, because I didn't have much time during the day to noogle. I didn't wear the cups the whole night because I woke from a dream :). In my dream, I had my dream breast size, I felt so confident as I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. But I stood there only at a side profile view. When I turned, my right side was noticeably larger than the left, but the left didn't look too bad either. I received compliments from my husband who noticed them and it made me feel confident even though they were different sizes. Weird.

When I woke up from this dream, I noticed my cups lost their suction at that exact moment. I took them off and went back to sleep. No dreams thereafter. I admit I was disappointed that my boobs were back to their post dream size (sigh). Maybe because the dream felt so real.

Has anyone had dreams while Snoogling?


Stay positive
Fell asleep while noogling today. My dream was a little scary as I was lost in a forest and was constantly being hunted by some kind evil force. It took man shapes, sometimes just spirit, sometimes vicious monsters. My dream was very long and adventurous, but now I cannot make out the details. I know that I was very restless during this long dream as it was connected by several attempts to wake up. I had a headache each time, so I decided to sleep again, thus continuing the dream. Weird stuff.


Fulfilling a dream...
Ah yes, the boobie dreams snoogling can cause or should I say encourage.

I snoogle a couple times a month (lately more often unintentionally). For me, my dreams are usually fun at first and then turn disturbing. One of them was just a day at work but my boobs grew "slowly" during the day, snapped the bra I had borrowed during lunch and left with unrestrained giggling Gs. :) Naturally, I was in meetings all day and having to cope. Lots of fun, I think I could make a screenplay out of it. :)

I know a male bi with 40E (NBE style) and he has told me about how men make passes (always hidden away). So, I think that has colored some of my dreams (being male too). I remember one where I had the big boobs and tiny waist -- trying to attract attentions of ladies, failing miserably and having tons of men hitting on me. In one, I even "experienced" a man tried raping me and my strength had vanished and couldn't fight him off.

Thankfully most are of the fun kind but lately they are all very uhm.. stimulating. I think I'm really integrating my breasts into my sexual self-image. It is all very interesting psychology and always gives me food to think upon as my biases are usually challenged.



Stay positive
It sounds very scary of the idea of a rape encounter in which you are completely powerless. I haven't had one of those yet, thankfully.

I've been listening to hypnosis right before sleep. I have only snoogled twice, but maybe the negative dreams are from the hypnosis. Last night, after a session, I dreamed of being stranded with an old alligator wrangler in a desert terrain with many high rocks and boulders. No water in sight, but very larger sleeping alligators. Many close encounters with him and myself as the dry camouflage of the alligators hide would blindingly mislead us right into their mouths. Or close to them , as luckily there was no blood shed. I don't know why I'm having dreams of being chased or hunted. And not anything realistic. I mean giant alligators? Evil monsters? Two times in a row so far. It is making me restless.


Fulfilling a dream...
Thankfully, that's the scariest one I had and more nightmare than anything but I was snoogling when it happened. I do find it interesting now that I think about it. I recall dreaming a couple of times as a woman while snoogling but the details are really hazy.

Now your dreams do seem to have a theme. I'm not a person into mystics and all the things associated. However, I do know dreams are a construct from memories, stories and feelings. We do have a control system in our brains that isn't part of our normal awareness. People like to call it subconsciousness and ascribe a ton of magical properties to it.

Setting all that aside, we do know it is a powerful force in our lives and we are rarely aware of it. During strong emotion or events, that part of the brain can "dwell" on subjects with the most powerful connection to our "state" of thought. So, I see dreams as a portal into that state if we can puzzle out the underlying connections. Thus, I suggest doing some soul searching about events (even pending ones) surrounding you.

This is why I find mine very interesting since I've realized I'm questioning alot about myself and the "views" I grew up with over the years. I'm challenging them in so many ways, I would be surprised if I didn't have odd dreams. :)



Stay positive
The most stressful thing that has happened to me lately was my frustration with my conversation class. My students couldn't remember the conversation. It made very upset as they couldn't get the basics that they have studied in other classes. Such as, "Who is that tall boy?" They should answer , "He is my classmate. " note they have been studying English for at least two years, and some students 4+

Very easy sentences, but they weren't passing their speaking test. It stressed me out the whole evening. I kept thinking of ways to motivate them. Also blaming myself for failing them. I thought maybe if I slept on it, I would feel better, as I usually do. But nope. I woke up with a terrible headache.

Other than that event, I cannot think of anything more serious.

But today I witnessed a motorcycle accident right before my eyes. The motorcyclist had the right away, and the left turning vehicle hit her at a fast speed. I saw the motorcycle slide towards us from the collision, but didn't see the girl. Her body was flung across maybe 30 ft or more! She lied on the floor unconscious! It was definitely a terrible sight.

With my scary dreams lately and real life encounters, it's definitely stressing me out. This can't be good for NBE.

I need to relax, and appreciate the people and things I have in my life. That's for sure.


Fulfilling a dream...
Well, that's a nice start of the exercise but my experience hints to me there could be more.

Howver, accidents like that are horrible. I've witness a few myself with the worst of a motercycle losing balance at highway speeds (70 mph US) and the bike falling with all the sparks and the man trying to get on the top of it. I actually think it is "good" to feel for the person -- it keeps us connected to each other even when each is a stranger -- a stranger could be an undiscovered friend.

For the students, I think you need to remember that learning structure and words is never fun until you*want* to say it. Being young, I bet something more "daring" by their standards would help. I have been teaching myself Japanese and I find it much easier if I can connect the words or cultural context to my experiences.



Stay positive
dminer84 said:
Well, that's a nice start of the exercise but my experience hints to me there could be more.

Howver, accidents like that are horrible. I've witness a few myself with the worst of a motercycle losing balance at highway speeds (70 mph US) and the bike falling with all the sparks and the man trying to get on the top of it. I actually think it is "good" to feel for the person -- it keeps us connected to each other even when each is a stranger -- a stranger could be an undiscovered friend.

For the students, I think you need to remember that learning structure and words is never fun until you*want* to say it. Being young, I bet something more "daring" by their standards would help. I have been teaching myself Japanese and I find it much easier if I can connect the words or cultural context to my experiences.


Ever since I started teaching, I've always tried to find ways to make it more fun. As time passed, I think I lost that focus as the students were becoming spoiled and all they wanted to do was play and not do their required work. I've been thinking this past weekend on how I should go about it. Starting yesterday I played games within lessons, either dividing the class into teams, or giving points to individual students. It was a very fun day as the lesson had most students participating. Of course there are special cases where some students are just uninterested in the idea of school period, so their focus went in and out most of the time. But if I played group games, the peer pressure effected them to pay more attention. :)

My conversation class is on Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday's class is easier to teach. Thursday's class was the one I stressed over. I hope to implement my in "lesson games" and have the students enjoy learning. Anyway, the goal is for them to learn, so it's a win win scenario.

Hopefully after this week's class, I wont have those dangerous dreams! I will go camping this weekend, so it will be interesting how I noogle without farting in my tent! ha ha! We always camp with friends, so they will probably notice the farting. I don't think I'm brave enough to admit I'm using a breast pump. I guess I'll have to say I just farted! ;D It's partially true! ;)