Been away for a bit and I come back to this...


New Member
amelie said:
I just want to add that I like it when you and others tell things about your life, you can´t talk about boobs all the time, right? And it really makes me feel like we somehow know each other better than if this was just all a clinical medical-type forum.
I really like it that you never let these weirdos get to you and believe me, your advice has been invaluable!

I agree! Also, I think that Anastasia has great advice on, well, just about everything! Seriously, when I first started lurking the forums back in May, I would read like, every thread, and she had something good to say about everything. Very helpful advice from diet and nutrition, haircare, shopping online, everything! Plus, I love looking at your pics, Anastasia, you're very pretty and I love your confidence! Plus, your son is too cute!!


New Member
Thanks ladies, lol spaztichick, I don't know it all, but the things I do know about I like to share what I know. I learn everything just like everyone else. And when I first got my NB I was like everyone else full of questions, the senior members can tell ya lol. And just like them, I like helping others as I have been helped, just trying to pay it forward. Thanks hun for the compliments, I am a proud mom for sure, I think my lil man is the handsomest there ever was! But I'm biased lol. And I think there are many confident women here, which I love seeing, just because we are trying to enhance ourselves never has to mean we don't already have confidence ;) it's just improving what is already a masterpiece. I think all the ladies here are wonderful, I love the community here and I really hope the few bad apples we get here doesn't ruin the entire bunch!


New Member
Good GAWD what a freak-ass-freak! Seriously! Pff!

Ignore her, Anastasia - your posts are a goldmine of useful, motivational and inspirational information, both on the breast front and in other areas, which I know many of us on this forum (myself included) really, really appreciate!

People like her just like to poo in the punchbowl, so to speak. Freeze her out - don't give her the time of day, and hopefully she'll drift off to harass someone else somewhere in the internet-world!


New Member
Hey Anastasia,
I dont know you as well as some other peeps on here as im still relatively new but i just wanna say that you seem like a wonderful person and you've been a massive inspiration to me! You've given me great tips, advice and support, even when i've been impatient and asking pretty dumb questions! lol You're obviously very knowlegable regarding all things NBE and i think i speak for more than just myself when i say, you're a very valuable member of this forum!
I wont say dont let her get to you as i'm sure you have more about you than to be bothered by such an immature and obviously jealous person.
Welcome back and thank you for being here! :D


What a sad excuse for a person - she chose the wrong person to mess with! If it had been someone without Anastasia's comfidence then she might have done some damage because there are some ladies here who are just starting out who are not so confident and don't need this kind of rubbish bringing them down.


i was reading her post and it gets more ridiculous with every sentence she typed..don't even be bothered..i bet she will still be lurking around maybe with a different name this time..uhh..shivers!


omg im shocked some people ......had ones like that on hear before no bloody need well i think yr great and enjoy reading yr post i dont post much now as bit busy but pop on as much as i can still going strong with my c cups so its happy happy .xxx


New Member
It makes me laugh :D because that is something only high schoolers do only. We are all adults, there is no reason to stoop that low to say such things about a person. I mean if you have something to say then say it to their face not on a forum, that's just silly and immature ;D. Honestly if she did dislike her comments that much she could have ignored them or just plain leave the site w/o any fuss. But I suppose not everyone out there can be the bigger person and walk away. I hope she knows that the comment only made her seem lower than low. If ya don't like the advice or comment then don't take it. Too bad for her never wanting to come onto this site again, because it is a very good site and helpful too. It's so sad that there are still people like this even after high school is over, that's why it's called the real world for a reason; if ya don't like it then, suck it up.

You are very beautiful and give great advice to each and everyone of us and I thank you for that. ;D


Obviously with her words she doesn't describe you, she describes herself... of better said "itself" whatever that thing is.... LOL!


Hi Anastasia

I have know you since you started on here and you have always been fun, knowledgeable and inspirational. You always offer help, support and advice. I think I have learned alot from you and Teeny Tiny! We all love you here!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi all!!
This letter is like some that were posted on several other sites.
Obviously by someone who has to much time on their hands.
The manner in which it was written is very much the same style
and type of the other person.
As I am still new to this site, I have the opionion that every one
is trying to offer their own experences, And hopes to share them
to help others.