Xiaohoa's Journey


Stay positive
Well, it's been over a month and my breast have been aching for the past few days. I can feel the sore areas are a little hard and lumpy. I'm thinking this is normal. I haven't noogled in 3-4 days because I've been caught up with work and with me being sick. Noogled this evening for an hour and got great swelling, but because of the already aching breasts, I found my small cups to be very uncomfortable. Got my paycheck last Friday, so I'm ordering the large contoured cups tomorrow for sure.
I can tell this time my breasts were larger than before this time around after pumping. I felt accomplished, but I just wish I can find my measuring tape. It's been missing for weeks. No measuments this time. :-\


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Fulfilling a dream...
Keep at it and don't let the momentum go. As for the lumpiness, it isn't uncommon. I would suggest monitoring them but it is likely to be just glandular swelling. Even I have started noticing a couple come and go in mine. :)



Stay positive
I had noticed a lot of lumps when I was nursing my son. I think it was because the milk ducts were clogged which resulted in the hard lumps. I wonder if the ducts are still clogged after all this time. It's been a year and a half since the last time I breastfed. Maybe it still hasn't been cleared. Like I said, I'll monitor them and the discomfort to see if there are any improvements.


Fulfilling a dream...
I would be reluctant to believe that as clogged or restricted ducts typically have a fair bit of pain until the gland just slows down on milk production or it clears. During nursing, I would expect glands to cycle from hard to soft depending on feeding and hormones. Still, just keep an eye on them as I believe they will slowly fades as your body gets accustomed again.



Stay positive
Well, today my breasts aren't sore like the were yesterday and they do seem bigger. Maybe I did have a burst growth experience. I compared my current size to my July size post and they are noticably bigger. They are pretty close to the my swell size after noogling. So to dminer84's question about if anyone had experienced burst growth, I guess I can say I have. I need to have another to confirm that I truly had one by comparing the results. It's pretty exciting!

I ordered my Large contoured cups last night, so I am now in a relatable state of being anxious! I just can't wait till it gets here! If it gets here. I hope there aren't any problems with shipping.

So overall good news! Great news if I focus on the best part, which is I can now see the my growth. Lifts the spirits!


Stay positive
I haven't noogled in three days. I think I've been avoiding the sessions because I'm now I realize the small domes really don't fit me now. I can see my breast are much wider than the rim of the domes. I'm still anxiously waiting for my new CLs, but I still have a week or two. I know the delivery times vary. I think I should still do some kind of breast enhancing sessions, but I think I should break from the noogleberry till I receive my new domes. Maybe I will do long massage sessions to compensate. I really don't want to lose what I have.


Fulfilling a dream...
Definitely do massage as that promote growth. I started that way with just massage for about 2 hours during the day (10-15 mins here and there) and I did see growth over a 6 week period. It isn't fast or large growth but it does add up over time.



Stay positive
Thanks DJ. I did massage, but I think I could have done more.

I received my CLs in the mail yesterday and tried them out. They are painful in my opinion. The edges felt sharp and left a distinct ring around my breasts. The rings were more vivid than when I previously used my small cups. The rings have faded by now but I'm trying to think of a way to make my noogling more comfortable. I massage my breasts lotion to keep my breasts moist. I then pumped with my small cups to get a swell going for 15 minutes, massaged, then moved into the CLs. I pumped one breast at a time, because my right breast hasn't yet caught up with the left, so I must pump one breast at a time. I didn't pump long because it was difficult to keep on and painful. I massaged my breasts more afterward because I was worried about the rings leaving marks around my breasts. I'm guessing I should have bought the soft rings along with my CLs, but I didn't. Now in trying to think of something to help me go through this more comfortable. I'm pretty crafty, so I'll think of something. Something that will hold a seal and can help prevent the the rims of the cups from digging into my flesh!


Fulfilling a dream...
Those CLs take some time to build up to them due to that rim. Also, you may want to sand them a bit with very fine sandpaper and wash very well.

I took nearly 3 weeks to work up to high pressures.



Active Member
Re padding:
I am sure you saw the previous post "New Padding Solution". I now have some experience as I did this for another person. The Noogleberry pads are a good solution and also the yoga mat as used by Summer http://www.noogleberry.com/forum/index.php/topic,4951.45.html

I had trouble trying to get the silicon glue to make a strong bond. It does stick well to the clean plastic, but not so much to the foam. Good for filler. I ended up deciding to glue the foam ends together before installing on the cup. I used shoe glue to do this after contriving a method to hold the ends together with tape while it dried. Then installed on the cup. I will give you a more detailed explanation if you are interested.


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Stay positive
@dminer84. I will sand them down it I'llI get some supplies to make some sort of padding. Thanks!

@James. Please do share! Any information will be helpful at this point. Thanks in advance!


Stay positive
Well I finally, did a full noogling session with my new CLs. One by one, but I did it. I can finally keep one dome on at a time. Still sore around the rims during the session, but not as bad as the first time. I got some swelling, but I felt a little different this time. Although the look was ok, I felt the feel of my breasts had less volume.

I then woke up this morning eager to see if I've grown or shrunk(I found a measuring tape!). To confirm my fears, I lost inches literally everywhere. My breast lost an inch, my weight lost 5 pounds and even my waist and hips took off a centimeter or two. What does this all conclude? I haven't been eating, drinking, and sleeping enough. This past month I did weigh myself. During the time I took the last pictures showing the great swelling I had previously, I was 121 pounds then. I Can lose weight very easily and I need to be careful. If I can change what I've done, I wouldn't have skipped breakfast and I would have drank more water. Of course I cannot change the past, so I need to incorporate these towards my future starting today. I'm disappointed in myself in letting work take over my life. Self-neglect is a bad habit of mine. Since I was young, if I ever got involved in a task, I put my all into it and as a result I lacked control in taking care of myself. It didn't help that my parents didn't do a good job in making sure I was fed. But luckily today, I have a loving family and can be reminded to do things because we do them together and take care of each other. But it's not enough if I don't take care of myself.

I have to work harder now to get what I want. But I need to take it one day at a time. Eat more, drink more, sleep more and less focus on work.

Don't live to work my friends, work to live!


Stay positive
Well, it's been awhile. Took a short break I did, but my breasts are still getting some swelling.

It's been difficult the past months because I've been trying to sell my house. And I did! But that means I need to move soon and leave Taiwan. :(. I've lived here for four years and I really love it, but my husband wants to move back to Texas. I'm not sure if I really want to go because of how much I will miss life here. The stress is taking hold of me a little, sleepless nights, unable to focus, anxiety. I really hope I can relax some, I don't want the stress to affect me and my life. That includes my breast growth.

I try to think good thoughts while noogling to give good vibes. I think it's important to be happy while noogling.


Active Member
Texas can be stress-free too. It sounds like you have found a life style you like, so try to duplicate it as much as possible in Texas. You will make new friends, I hope all goes well for you. :)


Stay positive
Thanks for the support James. Actually Texas is my home originally, but I enjoy the life here. I will return to many familiar things back home, so I will try to look forward to them.


Stay positive
My noogling session today went well as I introduced a new method into my routine. It's not really new, but it's new for me. I massaged my breasts individually as the other rested under a heating pad. As I alternated, the breasts were red from the heat, but comfortable. I pumped for about 20 minutes and repeated the massage process. I pumped twice today, first with the S domes, then my CL the second round.

I started today's session with a bust measurement of 31.75 inches. Afterwards with r swelling, my bust was 32.5 inches. I think the heat did improve the swelling. I think I will continue using the heating pad and analyze the results.


Stay positive
Notice some slight grow when comparing my before noogling measurements today. But before I can confirm, I need to measure them for a few days before confirming. It's been awhile since I had some growth, but hopefully the new measurements will maintain and can pass this small milestone.

Little by little. That's all it takes.