Recent content by Karmatrip

  1. K


    Hi Anatori ;D. Wow, you might wanna keep the "I can eat anything and not gain weight" thing on the down low or you may end up with some hate mail from those of us who gain a pound just from looking at a doughnut!! :-\ From what you are saying it sounds as though your metabolism is actually...
  2. K


    Hon, what I am saying is that when it comes to eating collagen vs pills there is very little clinical evidence to indicate a significant difference in the bioavailability between the two (if anyone can reference me to a study to indicate otherwise I would honestly appreciate it :)). One is just...
  3. K


    OK, so my post was a late night rambling. The 3 items mentioned are common nutrients related to tissue repair and growth, there are other related nutrients and herbal such as vitamins A-D and K, BCAA's,evening primrose and Anica to consider. The list was not meant to be comprehensive, just some...
  4. K


    So I have noticed a lot of discussion concerning nutrition and would like to post my 2 cents worth. But first I want to put out there that I have over 2 decades of considerable professional experience in the area of health and fitness here in the states so you can trust that what I say is a bit...
  5. K

    So can you say. "anti.........cipa........tion...."?

    yup, it's just not fair.... but it is what it is. Thx for the sympathy though :-*
  6. K

    So can you say. "anti.........cipa........tion...."?

    OK, so I stroll down to the post this afternoon (Saturday, 3:00 ish) and what do I find in my box but a delivery ticket for a parcel from "GB" ..... as in "Great Brittin". which can only mean one thing..... my order is sitting there. Since I ordered it on the 22nd it got here pretty darn...
  7. K


    Re: "Relationship" Advice....? Really need it.... Please... I am a guy and I can pretty much guarantee you that you are getting played.... cut your losses and run, also learn so it does not happen again.
  8. K


    Ummm..... Never on the first date, unless of course you have been drinking heavely.......??
  9. K

    Relationship advice - dating best friend?

    Well I generally do not stick my nose into other peoples romantic affairs, espically with the crappy history that I have in that department but here goes. I suggest that you have an open and thorough conversation with him to express yourself and go from there. If he realy is a friend then only...
  10. K

    Self introduction

    Thanks for the shout back and the support. Hope to "see' y'all around the forums in the days to come :)
  11. K

    Self introduction

    Ok so here goes, I have a lot to say but will try to keep it short. First about me, I am a guy, 51 yrs old, reasonably well educated, live in the U.S, hetro, and have no personal interest in the t.v./t.g. lifestyle... other than a lifelong desire for femanine breasts (and, of course bras). I...