2 questions about keeping swelling



I've been Noogling for about 7 weeks now and think it's wonderful! I've read lots of posts from people whose initial swelling keeps getting bigger. My initial swelling doesn't seem to be getting much bigger..I go from a small B to a small C after Noogling....but the swelling seems to last a bit longer every week or so. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or perhaps that's just the way my body responds to the NB? (BTW, I use Brava domes with my NB.)

The other question is about wearing a bra or not afterwards. With Brava, they said to wear a bra as infrequently as possible. But it seems like with NB, when I put a bra on afterward, my boobs stay more full. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about it? Thanks so much!



Hi Cheryl,

Everyone of us responds differently to the system. It is very individual. Some may respond quicker than others and we may spend countless of time to find the reasons as every of us is different.

Bottom line is if you get swelling (as you said you did and you even grew to next cup size) without any pains then you are doing right :D. No need to worry. Give yourself time and let your boobies grow at their own pace. By the way, I don't think there is any problems with using Brava domes with NB pump at all. You may want to search old posts concerning that topic.

To your second question , since I usually pump before bed time so I do not wear bra afterwards. Mine look great in the morning as well. However, there have been some discussion around this topic and sounded to me like wearing bra would hold the swelling longer. You just need to experiment and see what would it be like for you.

Take care,