2012 new year resolutions

Teeny Tiny

For me the rings restrict how much the nipples can swell inside the domes, and also restricts the swelling of the areolas as well by not allowing the areola at the base of the nipple to expand and swell like it would without the rings on, reducing the amount of swelling and puffiness. Without the rings I experience total overall swelling, with the rings the nipples don't swell nearly as much because they can only swell as much as the internal diameter of the rings will let them. At the same time the areolas are restricted at the base of the nipple from being able to swell as well, keeping them under control, and giving my entire breasts a slightly more rounded appearance inside the domes instead of sort of a cone shape, if that makes any sense. If you leave the rings on for a while after you take the domes off it helps to keep them under control so they don't swell up with the rest of the breast while the swelling is calming down. And they hide very easily inside a bra should you want to go out right after noogling, just make sure the rings you use are tight enough so they don't easily pop off, but not so tight that they get stuck. I made the mistake of using a pair of the rings that was one size too small and ended up having to very carefully cut them off. The stimulation they give also helps keep my nipples from swelling as much because they are not as relaxed and easy to swell, think about it like during the middle of the day when you're not in the mood, if your nipples and areolas are anything like mine they're very soft, puffy, and at their largest size. Add stimulation, whether it be from the rings, foreplay, or anything else that gets their attention what happens? The nipples become erect so to speak and the entire structure of the areolas and nipples slightly changes, mine tighten up and become firmer, making them look far less swollen and puffy. If I could figure out a way to get them to stay in this state all the time I'd be happy, but don't feel like wearing the rings 24 hours a day to try to keep them that way. Noogling with them on helps to reduce the amount of swelling by both restricting the amount of swelling they can achieve and by stimulating them, making them tighter and less susceptible to the swelling associated with noogling. Depending on the size and shape of your nipples you may be able to put a slightly larger ring on, then put a snug one on after it to cover more area of the nipples to keep the tips from being able to swell any. Hope this makes sense and helps to answer your questions. ;) :D ;D
OMG! Thank you Teeny for the info, defo gonna order now too!

I was just wondering -


are these the rings that would also suit? The site mentioned above is expensive - the shipping to UK costs as much as the rings themselves, so I went on ebay and wondered if this is the same? thanks for help :)


New Member
I payed $11.88 for mine.


Teeny Tiny

glad I could be of help bearbear. It's definitely worth the investment for anyone who wants to keep their nipples and areolas under control during noogling.

Hey tatiana, not sure about the ones you listed, the first one seems like they may be all the same size rings, if so and they don't fit your nipples it would be a waste of money, that and you still need the pump to put them on so you'd be better off buying a kit. The second one I've never seen before, depending on how they work they may do the job very well, as long as they are they'd probably cover the whole nipple to the tip, or just about, but looks like you need an expensive machine to put them on with. I couldn't view the listing bearbear posted either, but if you just type nipple enlarger in Ebay you'll see a couple of the ones I suggested. Here's links to them...



Good luck, and I hope they work for everyone who decides to try them. ;) :D ;D
Thank you Not so Teeny! I tried to search for them but couldnt find, thanks for showing me these! I will DEFINATELY! buy these, I am so obsessed about my areolas getting larger and I often choose not to noogle because I hate to see areolas get bigger. thank you big time!:)

Teeny Tiny

No sweat! I hope they work well for you and prevent you from getting the dreaded enlarged nipples and areolas that some get while others don't.


New Member
Well girls I hope to get to noogle soon here again. I have not been able to noogle that much do to I have having very bad back pain to whee I can barely walk and in crying pain. I can take a lot of pain but not this. And its not getting any better just worst. I really want to get to noogle by the 1st and noogle every day for 1 yr.

Padded Hell

New Member
Bear Bear,

Sorry to hear about your bad back pain. I sympathise. I have muscular/skeletal problems myself. Hopefully, it'll get better soon & you can get back to noogling asap. Take good care of yourself.

Teeny Tiny

Hey bearbear, where is your back pain? Just curious because I have experienced some God awful back pain a long time ago, which I had right before I had a growth spurt. I don't know if the pain was related to the growth spurt or not, it basically felt like I was trying to suck my back from the shoulder blades down to about the middle of my back out through the front while I was noogling. And it was a constant God awful aching, annoying feeling when I wasn't noogling, enough to put me in tears. It was the worst back pain I've ever felt in my life, noogling was almost unbearable but I managed to anyway, making sure I had several pillows against the wall to support and pad my back while sitting in bed, which helped make it a little more bearable than without. It was that way for a couple weeks at least before it started to ease up, then as the pain eased up I noticed that my breasts were a little larger. This was while starting out at my smallest that I experienced this. Since I've had a couple more episodes of back pain before a growth spurt, but not as severe as the first time. So maybe your back pain is a sign of things changing and getting ready to grow. I'll keep my toes (Need my fingers to type! ;)) crossed for you that it goes away soon and a growth spurt follows.

Good luck, and keep us updated! ;) :D ;D


New Member
Its my lower back in the middle and hips mostly the right side of the hip. I have tumors on my spine-cord. I have back pain just about every day but its the pain I can take but the pain that ive been having I cant take. I have to be care full on now I move. I can take a lot of pain but not to the pain where im crying and getting sick. Im getting some test done to make sure they did not grow and make sure there nothing new going on.

Teeny Tiny

Sorry to hear about you back problems, I know what it's like to live with pain, especially the kind that is so bad you cannot function hardly at all, let alone normally. That kind of pain that makes you sick and wish you'd just curl up and die, I suffer from a lot of pain off and on because of my porphyria. That and I got hit by a truck walking into a store almost and year and a half ago now, and I still suffer right hip, knee, leg pain, numbness, and loss of feeling. I have also developed carpel tunnel syndrome in my right hand because of it, have knuckle pain, damage, and weakness, and possibly have a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder that hasn't been diagnosed or treated yet. They say pain lets you know you're not dead yet, but there are many days that I wish I was with all the pain and sickness I suffer from because of my medical condition.


New Member
Im sorry to here about all of that. I hope the person payed for what they did. My medical condition starting from my heart and on its because of my real dad doing drugs and I think my mom might of too. Its just funny my older sister who 29 has nothing wrong what so ever with her my brother who 28 has water on the brain and then me with heart issue I have tumors all over in the inside of my body from the brain to my back and on. But I try and lot let that get me down I could have it worst and Im happy to be alive.