Am I overy pumping!


New Member
I just want to make sure im not over pumping. I pump it tells i fell some tightness they are a little red but much tho then they are pump up but then im done pumping they are not red. I get red rings they do not stay long at all. My breast are a little sure after pumping. I also pump 3 times a day for 30mins to and Hr. Im getting a little bit of swelling. I do not think I am but I just want to make sure.

Teeny Tiny

Sounds like you're doing fine to me, during your sessions as the pressure decreases you can add a little more pressure throughout the session, it will also help increase the swelling. The main thing is do not allow them to turn purple, and watch for other signs of over pumping, red dots, bruising, etc. Just keep up what you're doing and feel free to post any questions or concerns you may have as you go, I'm sure you'll find lots of helpful advice from many who have been through the same things.


New Member
Hi, just go with your gut. Do what feels comfortable to you. just don't overdue it so you don't have breast pain, purple color. Redness is normal, that is an indication of blood flow. Good luck

Teeny Tiny

A little discomfort is normal, especially while they're getting used to being stretched, but you shouldn't have any intense sharp or shooting pains, if that happens remove the suction and pump again with less pressure. Although after a while you can develop some pretty intense nipple pains, I've gone through that 3 times in in just over 1 1/2 years. I just grin and bear it and noogle through it gently then pick up the pace again once they subside, I'm pretty sure they're a sign of a growth/swelling spurt to come, cause each time I've had them I've experienced my noticeable growth spurts afterward.


New Member
I find that if you don't warm up the boobs before you noogle, you tend to get purple quick and the boobs get cold! And then you might end up pumping too much because the boobs aren't ready. My suggestion is to maximize the session you do have when noogling with a pre heat up in the shower.


New Member
Noogleboober said:
I find that if you don't warm up the boobs before you noogle, you tend to get purple quick and the boobs get cold! And then you might end up pumping too much because the boobs aren't ready. My suggestion is to maximize the session you do have when noogling with a pre heat up in the shower.

I do do that a lot. Some times I even noggle in the shower.