Am I pumping too hard?


New Member
I have pumped until it feels a bit uncomfortable. I already had some red dots that I thought was where I've damaged the skin/blood vessels underneath my breasts.

I have just been pumping again. The same thing has happened in similar places on both breasts. I have some redness and small spots. Should I stop pumping when this happens?

Useful advice will be greatly appreciated! thanks ???


New Member
How long have you been pumping? This happened to me the first week or so that I pumped, and I kept decreasing the pressure. It also happened when I moved up to the large domes. It went away after a while, I think it's just the breasts getting adjusted to it. Just make sure you are well moisturized before pumping and you should be fine.


New Member
Hi Anastasia

Thanks for your reply, I think I was pumping for 45 mins at a time twice daily. I think it could also be to do with changing to large domes. It happened again recently when I used both domes at once. The end of the tube split and I think too much air got into the other tube as a result. I could tell that the breast was pumping higher than the other. It's very damaged so I'll stop pumping.

I didnt use moisturiser every time before pumping so I will. I have breast enhancement cream which I've sometimes put on beforehand. Is it ok to use that beforehand? It has fennel and other herbs in.

Hope you're pumping is going well, how are you getting on? xx


New Member
I think using a BE cream is fine, aren't you suppose to put that on twice daily anyway? So put it on before pumping. I used to use a lotion I made with herb extracts mixed in, now I just use regular lotion until I cleanse my system completely again. Lately I have been busy getting my son ready for school and all so haven't been able to pump as I use to, hopefully things will settle soon and I can begin the same schedule I use to.