Anxious999 pics


New Member
Hey i have the same problem, i've pumped for 4 months now and can make it to the 1 inch mark but it's hard to get past. I normally pump 2 hours twice a day, in the morning and evening. I've noticed that when i pump longer for about 3 hours, that helps me to go past the 1 inch mark :)


New Member
So i thought I would come back onto my profile...

Something happened to me in the summer that made me loose a lot of self confidence. I felt that noogling didn't help my body image either as I was just pumping for the swelling then getting sad when they went down. So I stopped to have a big break. I'm happy with my boobs at the moment and I'm currently a 32/34b. BUT

I would like to start noogling again but only if it didnt take over my life or my body confidence. Think I need to do this one step at a time on a low maintenance schedule. Say less than 1 hour a day max.
Could anyone give me any help or motivation? xxx


New Member
come on girl!
1. It was the first time I saw this topic and i was amazed... Noogleberry really works for u, u just gotta be more patient... I've seen a lot of girls that didnt have that swelling to begin with and after some time had GREAT results

2. We are what we have on the inside, outside is nice but it doesnt mean anything about who we are.. dont let anyone look down on you.. I dont know what happened but keep in mind no one is perfect, also, people have different tastes..and some people also have real PROBLEMS and like to put others down.. shame on them

You are noogling to look better for u mainly.. and believe me ur already beautiful..
so just relax and be patient. The worst thing that might happen is not grow as fast as you would like.. but who cares? ur already great, and I bet a lot of people would believe u should not even think about growing your boobs ;)

but as i said, do it for you :)


New Member
dear girl
I also have not been good this year. I had many bad times. helped me not to look in the mirror but in the soul.
I always think "change the things I can and try to calm things I can not change"
Breast may be best and do not care if others do not notice or if the results will not come immediately!
the important thing is to believe in us and not our appearance
keep with NB e keep with this community ;) the results will come ;)


New Member
Hi :) Just wondering if you ever started back up with NB? I'm glad to see you made progress after so much time! Even though everyone's different, this gave me a better grasp of what to expect because I really don't think I'm going to be a fast grower xD