Anybody had the pleasure of using an Emjoi before????



This is the place where we post all of our non breast related ventures right? Well today I didn't get to noogle as much because I've been pulling the hair out of my legs by the roots!

My cousin has been trying to get me to do it for years, I finally gave in because my razor blades are costing me like $40 a month. I've spent the last two hours in pain that rivals child birth :eek:. That was with the help of 2 glasses of wine and a half a pain pill. I don't know how I got through it. Anyone used one of these torture devices before and have any tips or tricks to make it easier?

I took a warm bath, exfoliated, and intoxicated myself beforehand like was suggested to me, but not sure that alcohol is always going to be an option. Please share if you have any tips to keep the pain down. My cousin told me that after a few times it will be so much better and I'll be able to watch TV while doing it, but I don't know about that.....




New Member
Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

I don't use an epilator, but I do wax. And there is a numbing spray you can buy that you spray on the area you are going to epilate or wax and it makes it less painful. I don't drink so I couldn't do that option lol. And yes after a while you get more and more use to it, the first time I did a bikini wax it was horrible, but after a few times it doesn't feel as bad, now it feels like pulling off a bandaid. And I wax my full legs, arms, underarms and bikini area. And I go to the salon to get my eyebrows waxed and plucked cause I tend to not do them as well as the salon. Your hairs that you epilated were long enough right? cause if they are too short it will hurt even more. If you go on like or any beauty supply store, you'll find the numbing spray for epilation and waxing in the hair removal section or the wax section. Good luck! Oh also if you have any anbesol, I think that's how it's spelled, it's used for teeth numbing, you can put that on the area too, so says my aunt who does hair, massages, nails, pedis, and waxing, she says to put it on the area and let it soak in a few min before trying to wax or epilate, to do it for eipilation you will have to wipe it off after it soaks then use the epilator, unless it is the wet and dry type. I ran out of the numbing spray and used this on my sensitive areas and it worked just as well. Hope this helps!
Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

When ever i have waxed or epilated, I have pulled the hair out in the direction of growth (more efficent with waxing - it makes epilating sooo long winded), as i am prone to ingrown hairs and have sensitive skin. For me there is less irritaion that way. When you pull against the hair growth, the hairs that grow back will be curved and thats why i get ingrown hairs. When i pull then out in the direction of growth, the hiar grows back straighter, hence less ingrown hairs.

As for the pain, i just put up with it and it will get less with time. Numbing spray is a good idea (never been able to find any here in the UK)


Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

Thank you, I will look into the numbing spray. I've waxed before also, and although painful, not anything like this.



Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

i though about getting myself an epilator, but im wondering if i could take the pain, i always just shave, but the thought of nice smooth legs not stubbly 1ns 4 longer than a day is temping.
not keen on removal lotions foams etc, i get in a mess ;D


New Member
Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

Tavia, before you try an epilator, I would go to a salon and get waxed a few times, if you can handle that, you might be able to handle it. If you take a pair of tweezers and pull out the hair, just imagine it doing that all over and that would be what an epilator feels like...or so I'm told lol. Waxing doesn't hurt me. Even the first time didn't hurt on my arms or legs, it hurt very slightly on my underarms and hurt the most on the bikini area, but not horribly. Now even the sensitive areas don't hurt anymore. I buy wax, put it on and get my hubby to pull the strips (I can't pull em hard enough). But for someone who has always shaved, go to a salon your first few times waxing first. If you try it on your own, you will end up with a mess. And when you do decide to try wax, the best is gigi wax. It's what the better salons use.


Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

I got through the pain of the first time, now I'm sooooo happy I did this. My underarms have been smooth for a week with no bumps, no bikini bumps, I'm in heaven. I can't believe I had one of these things for 23 years and didn't use it. The first time was absolute torture. Now I've done it every other day since last week, just to get conditioned to it, and it is not painful to me at all. In fact, when I feel the pull of hair, I love it cause I know that's more hair out now, less next time. I am no longer taking 45-60 minute showers. I'm in and out in 10 min including facial, conditioning and total body exfoliation. I used to dread shower cause I hated shaving - this is something that has absolutely changed my life, I'll never be a slave to the razor again. I recommend anyone try it, and stick with it.

Someone said the hair can't be too short? Actually the shorter the better, the epilator can get even the shortest hairs (like 1-2 day growth) and it is less painful than longer hair. If you do try it, only let it grow a couple of days.


Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

thanks anastasia, i think it would be a good idea to try a leg wax 1st, see how i like it. i only ever tryed to wax2wice, both times i ended up trying in vain to wash the wax off because i couldnt get it off by using the wax strips.
ive had enough of cutting myself when my skin hasnt sofened enough and im in a rush, then have to walk around the house trying to look sexy with big bloddy dots all over my legs, and if im really lucky , some of them will trickle down my leg,
so then i whip out the vasaline and cover my legs with that, lol..


New Member
Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

When I use to shave I used baby oil right after the shower on my legs to prevent razor bumps and such.

Good to know sissy, I think if I ever give epilation a try, I'm going to get one of those wet or dry ones, that way if I want to take a hot bath and have my pores open I can. I wax, I don't shave anything anymore except my eyebrows in between salon visits.

Sissy, I wonder if after a while of using an epilator your hair would stop growing back?? I mean it's pulling it out at the root constantly, it's said that can over time make it where it doesn't grow back permanently. I wonder if that's true, you'll have to let us know lol.


Re: Anybody had the please of using an Emjoi before????

he he i shave my eyebrows too.
well i only shave the hairs underneath my arch, its so quick and easy to do.
i know people who rub vasaline on there eyebrows and pluck them out or wait for the salon and go and get them waxed away, and they all seem to think shaving them is a really bad thing to do????? im baffled.
i wash my face and leave the eyebrows wet then quickly run the razor across the under-arch, and simples, all done

think the wet epilator would be a better bet for myself.


Anastasia, actually I am proof that sometimes it does not grow back. 23 years ago I bought one and tried on 1" x 2" spot on my leg. It hurt so bad that I never used it again. The hair never grew back in that one spot. My cousin is a long time user, she says that after a while some areas never grow back, others all grow back so fine and blond like they aren't even there.

My sister waxed bikini line for several years, now she has none. I think that after time ripping your hair out just kills the root. I'm loving this thing, will never shave again. I used to wax every now and again also, but never again.


New Member
My underarm, arm, and leg hairs are already blonde and thin, they were always blonde, but since waxing they've gotten thinner and grow back slower. The only darker hair is on my head and bikini area. Weird I know. When I was younger I had naturally medium blonde hair and medium brown eyebrows lol. Now my hair has gotten darker since having my son. But it's a light to medium brown.


I have been using silkepil for years now and it is very similar to waxing.
The pros is that you don't have to wait until your hair is long enough to stick at the wax, so you can use it as often as needed.
The cons is that it can hurt at sensitive areas but! The good new is you got used to it and after few times it is not that bad.

I remember when I first started using it on my lower legs. That was ok as I was already used to cold wax. Then I tried my bikini line and was like ouch! but I could stand it. Sure enough I did my armpits and tears came to my eyes. That was the most sensitive area of all!

I kept doing it often to not give my hairs tha chance to grow back and it was a lot better than when I did it with full long hair.

Now I can do it whenever I want and it feels like nothing. But the best for summer time is to dry skin brush my legs and then do a quick session to keep my body hair-fre. my skin is radiant, soft and "baldy" as a baby


i remember about 7 trs ago, i used to dance alot and kept this pad that you slip on yr hand and rub in circular motions on yr legs and it makes them silky smooth is so so cheap to buy and u get like 3 in a pack, i just cant remember what it was called,
but i know that its so good to have them available to u , like when yr in a rush and want smooth legs, it really takes like 3 mins to do yr lower leg.
and there is usually some powder left on yr legs that u just wipe away, which i think is the hairs being rubbed off.
the pads are like very fine sand paper

any1 recognise??? ;D
id google it but dont know what to google lol... sand paper leg rubber thinggy?


New Member
Yep, I tried smooth away before, it caused a reaction in my skin, I have very sensitive skin. I've also used nair, and that caused me to break out. Only one that didn't was nair for sensitive skin. But I used it down there and I ended up with a yeast infection, so never again for that.


Hi Guys

Here in South Africa we have Veet. It works like Nair but it smells much better and is way gentler on the skin. Not sure if it is an exported product though.

I 2 have an epilator and I wax often but must admit the Veet is the easiest as you apply it, climb in the shower and use a special sponge to wash it off a few minutes later.



I have a very high pain threshold, but when I used an epilator..... it was way tooooo painful! I threw it away! That was years ago and I have tried the different waxes and nair type products, I'm like you Anastasia, very sensitive skin. Haven't ever really found one that works well for me. I have tried so many gadgets I cannot even begin to name them all...not just for shaving but everything...hehehe!
Hugs everyone!


New Member
Dee they've sold Veet in the states for years now, not sure about other places. If I use veet or nair I have to use the one for sensitive skin. If I wax I use GiGi wax they have one for sensitive skin as well. I never had a problem using it.


New Member
Having tried most hair removal products over the years, now I just take a razor into the shower every day and run it over my underarms, legs and 'down there'!! lol. Works a treat, takes less than a minute, no spots or rash, hair barely gets a chance to grow. Hopefully it will give up completely!! lol ;D