Are You Surprised by the Amount of Nooglers?


New Member
As many women out there that want bigger, perkier, fuller boobs Im surprised this forum is not jam packed with users. Im surprised no one I know knows about it. I'm surprised it took me forever to find NB. So whats the deal? Are you ladies keeping NB top secret? Or are more people using NB but not willing to admit it? i'm the kind of person that i would share with other people. I refuse to say anything now, because I want to reach my goals first. Then i feel i can fully endores the product (even though im truly loving it now).


Do not dream your life, live your dreams
DoubleD said:
Are you ladies keeping NB top secret?

More or less, except this forum is my mother the only person who knows what i'm doing.
Mine is too embarrassed to talk about it with other peops, maybe i talk about it if i got what i want.


New Member
i completely understand keeping it quiet until you get the results you want because people will obviously think your crazy if it doesnt work out for you in the long run.


New Member
I'm not saying anything right now either (except to my mom). if I do get results though, I'm willing to tell anyone who will listen.


I'm in the same boat! I can't really recommend it until I have undeniable proof on me ;D.

People have probably heard about it, but are skeptical of anything that isn't widely accepted. I've known about it for years but didn't really think much of it.

Plus, it is pretty personal, airing your insecurities like that! The conversation rarely every goes there whenever I'm talking with my friends.