Best hint or tip you've received so far to help in noogling


New Member
the best tip is to stop measuring yourself so often. You'll just go nuts when you don't see progress occur fast enough. So do it every once in a while. I also find that measuring across each breast is more accurate.

Happy Noogling!


New Member
hi, I also find it not in our best interest to keep measuring as it gets very upsetting to me and I'm sure others. also Wannabee I've missed you my dear

Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
The best tips I've read and found to be effective..

1) Drink LOTS OF WATER!!! The goal should be half of your weight in oz. So...I'm 140lbs. Half of that is I try to drink 70oz of water a day. It sounds hard at first, but I bought a cute water bottle (I like steel water bottles, keeps my water cold :) ) and now I've gotten into the habit of it. I drink minimal soda and other drinks. Sometimes I have the urge for a nice cold soda or some iced tea or whatever, but if you drink water with your meals, it gets pretty easy. (edit to add...not that iced tea is bad, but I LOAD mine with sugar, lol, making it not as good!)

2) LOTS OF LUBE. Seriously...the more lube, the better suction and the more comfortable my session is.

3) PUMP REGULARLY. You can't expect results if you just pump for random intervals at random times. I aim for 1hr in the morning and 1hr at night. I also find that I still have a BIT of swelling once my approximate 12hr mark hits (from when I've last pumped) so then when I go to pump for the next session, it's like a little boost...swelling on top of swelling. I feel like when I regularly pump about 12 hrs apart, my boobs never have a chance to fully stop swelling, and I think that's what really gave me good results in the beginning. Now...that being said...I need to get back into the swing of pumping regularly!! Which leads me to #4...

4) Be on the noogle forums!!!! Seriously, when I stopped looking at the forums and posting, I found myself not noogling as much. We all know this is the BEST NBE community around with SO many great people...let this be a support system for you! If you are feeling tired, lazy, just done with noogling, and then you come and see the support and results of your fellow noogle sisters, you'll be inspired to noogle. Trust me.



And my mother always said to make sure you have clean underwear on!!!!! ;D

Teeny Tiny

That's very good advice, if you're wearing clean underwear and you have one of those really loud noogle farts you can prove you didn't just crap your pants! ;) :D ;D


When I noogle, call me Tank Girl!
*Jots down notes!*


New Member
Noogleboober said:
The best tip so far for me is drink lots of water and heat the boobies up pre noogling! :)

how do you heat them up? ??? i bumped into this several times before, but i don't understand it. so, could someone please explain to me?


@Cosmic love, you could apply heat before noogling, I've sometimes used a wheat pillow or a hot water bottle.


New Member
I just stumbled upon this and I love it....I have never thought to do it in the bathtub; however, it does make sense. Between the heat and the extra moisture I can imagine it'll help. I have to soak regularly due to a bad back so I will definitely try this one. I do massage before every pumping, and on the occasions I have been to busy I can tell a difference. I love having these forums for support and advice. Thank you all. :) ;D


New Member
Mumma Bear said:
Absolutely the insulation foam padding for me - was the turning point in making the whole routine so much more manageable and comfortable. Thanks so much itsjust4fun!

You're welcome! The padding helped me so much as well!