blister on my nipple


New Member
i just pumped for 1 1/2 hrs. and my right nipple was very sore when i took off the domes my right nipple had a is sooo sore right now ........has this happened to any one else before.... how long till it stops hurting..........what did i do wrong....


New Member
Hi ilovebreasts
I had a blister when I breast fed my first-born. It only stayed a few days but I remember it was painful. I had to wear nipple covers for a few days but continued to feed and it still healed. I was horified when my baby started throwing up blood but the midwife was calm and told me he was just bringing back what I had fed him. My blister was under my nipple so, although I felt very sore, I ddin't know it was there.
I know this is different but in a way, it is similar. I guess you overpumped and a rest will help.