breastfeeding and noogling


Active Member
I believe if you noogle while still breastfeeding, it will help with the milk production. Drink lots of water. Although you will produce more milk and gain larger breasts, I don't think this will necessarily mean you will have larger boobs after you have stopped lactating. When you stop breastfeeding, you will probably have to stop noogling for at least a month because continuing pumping would lead to continued lactating.
I recently stopped breastfeedng my baby - less than a month ago. The pull of the NB does not simulate breast feeding at all. Now, that is just my opinion and my experience. I can still express milk but when I pump with the NB no milk comes out. It most certainly does not stimulate milk production in my case. a baby's suck is very particular, which is why breast milk pumps are very different to the noogleberry. That's not to say if you pumped with full breasts it wouldn't make them squirt because, as I'm sure you know, even a brush of the arm against your breast when they are full of milk can make them leak so exerting pressure on them in the domes would definitely. Like you say, if yo were to pump, with empty breasts it is unlikely anything would come out.

However, as you are currently feeding I would be more concerned about glands inside you breast that may be enlarged and how they would be affected by the pressure of the noogleberry. We want to increase breast tissue not anything else that may be currently swollen due to breastfeeding, think about all the ducts and the breast sinus (where the milk collects). You would not want to damage them in case they affected your current breastfeeding, or any breastfeeding you may wish to do in the future. I have stopped feeding my little one and am not having anymore children therefore I am not too worried about these things but as you are currently still feeding it may be something you want to consider. :D


Active Member
flatty_natty: I had read elsewhere that pumping while breastfeeding definitely increased milk supply, and I thought I was on firm ground here. So you tried pumping (after breastfeeding sessions as BeautifuldoubleDz says) and what, nothing? Or are you just saying that pumping after terminating breast feeding will not prolong lactation?
For me personally even though there is milk in my breasts the noogleberry neither increases my supply nor makes what is in there come out. I am proper moo - cow aswell having breastfed for about 8 years out of 10 Now, if you have read of others that are the opposite then I would say that this is another issue, like so many others that will be unique to each individual. Breast pumps made for breast feeding however do illicit lactation and prolong my supply. The pressure exerted by the NB over the whole breast doesn't mimic the very specific stimulation of the glands under and behind the nipple that a baby or indeed a breast feeding pump does. Xx


I would agree with flatty that the noogle probably won't stimulate your milk supply but as it puts pressure on your breasts, you could find yourself with blocked ducts which can be quite painful and at times lead to mastitis. If you feel that there is no adverse effect at all then perhaps pumping in the evenings is better as the supply tends to dip then anyway.