Breastfeeing and Noogleberry?


New Member

I want to try this product...but I have once concern before I do.

My hubby and I are wanting to get pregnant within this year; my fear is that this product will conflict with breastfeeding.

Has anyone had any problems with breastfeeding due to nooggleberry?

Thank you!


New Member
I don't want to discourage anyone from trying noogleberry, but I have to give my honest opinion on this...If you are planning on getting pregnant and having a be honest, it would be pointless to start a NBE routine of any kind. Whether it is pumping, herbs, bovine ovary, creams, etc. etc. Reason being, is because once pregnant your boobs will get bigger! After pregnancy and after done breastfeeding they will be different, mine went from a 34C while pregnant and breastfeeding to a 32B. Some have went from a D or DD down to nothing or an A. We all vary. While others don't lose that big size at all, and still others don't get bigger during child birth. But either way. I think if you are planning a pregnancy, it is best to wait until after you have had the baby and are done breastfeeding. Generally it is okay to start NBE 6 months after you have dried up! Reason being is that your milk production can start back up while doing a NBE routine. Pumping especially can induce milk production. That is why there are milk pumps! Herbs and bovine ovary, etc. I would not recommend to a female seeking to get pregnant or already pregnant, breastfeeding etc. Because herbs, bovine ovary or other breast enhancement supplements or products induce hormones in the body, messing with your hormones will conflict with your ability to become pregnant, it could conflict with your child's development while pregnant, and it could conflict with your milk while breastfeeding. The only herb I'd take while breastfeeding would be fenugreek, because it can keep your milk production instead of your drying up when you don't want to and it's not harmful to the baby. Good luck on getting prego! And consider NBE after you are done breastfeeding!

I am not a medical doctor, I do not have education in the medical field. I only have general knowledge of herbs and other NBE methods through my own personal research and trial and error. If you are in any doubt, please, I cannot stress this enough, SEEK A DOCTOR! Ask them what is right for you, do your own research, etc.

I have a 4 year old son who I breastfed. I did not start any NBE routines until after 8 months after I dried up from breastfeeding.


New Member
This was some really great information that I was looking for. I do have a few questions about breastfeeding a few years after you have used the system. Has anyone had problems with milk supply or anything else related? I so want to try this system, but I also want to have another baby and breastfeed so if this in any way hinders that I would want to wait until I was done having babies. I am so excited about this system and it almost seems too good to be true!


Anastasia's right on about the herbs or any type of supplement that would interfere with your hormones, and your breast will surely get bigger when you get pregnant. Your question regarding pumping up to the point of getting pregnant might be better answered by Brava, since they did all the clinical test. You could just contact them as if you were inquiring about using their product for now, and seeing what they advise maybe.

I also am not in a position to give medical advise, but my thoughts would be that using the pump would not interfere with milk production later on. Yours is a very good question, if you do contact Brava or get the answer, please come back and let us know what they say.



New Member
Thanks so much for being so honest and as much help as you all can be!!!! I sent an e-mail to Brava and hope to get a reply soon. I wish I could afford the Brava system, but the noogleberry is way more in my price range. I am excited to start the system when I find the answers I am looking for. I am just weaning my baby and will have to wait some time before I can start pumping. I just want some shape and fullness back and a cup size would be nice too ;D !!!!!