Broaching the subject of NB with my mother. Help!


New Member
I've lurked around the forum for a few months but just now gathered the courage to post. I'm hoping you lovely ladies and gentlemen will help me out.
After years of feeling self-conscious about my body image, I stumbled on the pricey Brava and then the more pocket- and time-friendly Noogleberry system. I was ecstatic. But shortly after that reality started to set in. Though I'm 18, I'll be living with my mother for another year while attending school. There's no reason I can't order the NB for myself, but I'm nervous at the thought of trying to explain it to her when it arrives (or worse, in the middle of noogling one day). Being sneaky around my mother never tends to work out well for me, so I want to try and talk to her about this before I order. But I have no idea how.


New Member
Well, that went horribly. She thinks this whole thing is a scam because I have to go through Lucy to order (the concept of a sales representative must mean very little) and she cannot seem to grasp the fact that Noogleberry is produced only in the UK meaning I have to order it from the UK. In her words, "if it worked so well, wouldn't you be able to buy it from the US?" It's like trying to purchase a Daihatsu (a car company here) from the US; it doesn't work that way!


New Member
Oh dear!
Well perhaps you can explain about the forum here and all the friendly people here that
have had great success and are so supportive.
At the end of the day, you are 18 and if you want to go ahead with this then
its your business and you should be allowed some privacy even if you are still living at home.
I have teenagers at home and would always respect their need for privacy in their own rooms.
Its your decision and if she finds out about it then you can then explain the process perhaps.
Plase let us know how you get on with the situation.


New Member
Thank you, betterboobs. :) I'm determined to do this for myself, either way. I'd just feel better if I had her support in this. I'll have to find more solid evidence before I can get her backing in this. But in the meantime I am going to order either pm or natureday once I can make up my mind. Hopefully by summer's end (that's my deadline; I come back from visiting with family in the summer) I'll have both a more convincing argument and growth in my bosom. :)


New Member
Hi Betterboobs

I am so sorry that your conversation did not go well :( I am a mum and it is my daughter who is using NB. I do understand your mother's concerns. Strangely I may have felt soemthing similar if my daughter had just come to me with the suggestion without me looking into it first and I am sure she is just looking out for you. With us it was different. I knew how much my daughters breast size was depressing her. She had started talking about surgery as soon as she was old enough, and it was me who went looking on the internet and found NB as a possible alternative. Now, about a year on my daughter has gained about 1 1/2 cup sizes and a whole lot of confidence, and the threat of surgery seems to have been averted!

With regard to the fact that you have to order from the UK, then maybe if you explain that there are other systems out there that work on a similar principle, it is just that the most cost effective and reliable one happens to be made in the UK (and of course the one with best support forum :) ) I live in the UK but, if NB was manufactured in the US would have ordered it from there.

I agree with the idea of directing her to this forum. If she wants to ask me any questions as a mother I would be happy to answer.

I wish you luck :)


New Member
I'm 27 and if I told my mom about noogling, she'd think I was nuts. Then again she has large breasts so it may be hard for her to understand too.

Obviously I don't want you to defy her and cause an issue between you two by purchasing the NB behind her back. However just remember she's just a concerned mom and trying to watch out for you so you don't waste your money or get disappointed. If I hadn't seen the results myself, I'd also be quite skeptical of NB. I never knew any of this stuff actually worked....hehe :D

If you don't think it would be too weird, then have her look at the gallery section of the forum to see the results!