Calf saliva & breast growth o.o


New Member
Hello everyone!

WOW I haven't been here in so long, I fell off with the pumping due to a lot of things keeping me busy but I hope to set up a plan to at least do it twice or 3 times a week. I believe in the system as I did grow, I started off with the large cups, I was so earger that I used it every day religiously, by the end of the month I couldn't feel anymore suction, I noticed growth while comparing my measurements (so long ago I don't really remember numbers exactly, I have to go look at my notes lol).

Well enough about that, I just wanted to briefly check in. Now this is something very peculiar that I have known for a while but never tried it. I live in New York but I'm originally from the Dominican Republic. One thing used in my country for breast growth is calf saliva, I don't even know if that's the right term since I'm transalting that from Spanish to English, but sounds about right.

It is crazy to me, and I even tried finding a way to get this, but I had no luck here in NY (obviously) , I have asked so many people about this, my mother is one who says she used to see women and young girls use this with results, a lady in her 50's whom I learned this from has really big breasts to the point where she has the hardest time finding her size (must ask her exactly what cup she uses), one day while just talking about the subject she told me about how she used this while in her younger years.

According to what I've been told the calf has to be taken at a certain age according to the amount of growth wanted, it is believed that the hormones in the saliva/sputum (whatever you call it) aids in growth.

I just wanted to share this, maybe someone, somewhere has the ability to try this if possible or simply we can share our thoughts, I once tried contacting people in DR for this, but I only have family members over there and it would have made me a little embarrased to ask for such a thing, if I had a friend or acquantaince over there then maybe it would've been a different story lol. Well there you go, fact or not? From my personal experience I haven't been able to try it, I've only seen women who claim this is what they used back in the day.


New Member
Forgot to add that this is applied and massaged on breasts and kept refrigerated!

I also googled and found certain things about bovine growth hormone used on these animals in great amounts, although already present in them (if I'm not mistaken), as well as "calf's saliva produce free fatty acids along with residual proteins". So maybe it makes some kind of sense....? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: