can someone post after and before pics but not after swelling?


New Member
hi girls!
i'm an italian girl, my NB just arrived today. as i was writing in another post i'm exciting but in the same time i'm worry because i've read a lot of artilcles about breast enlargement pumps that say in case of sagginess (this is my case because i breastfeed 2 kids) these pumps improve sagginess and unflated breast because the procedure is the same of the breastfeed: swalling breast, the skin will strech.... someone can post after and before pictures but after not after swalling but real grow?

thanx to you all and sorry for my doubts... maybe my starting condition is different from yours...

Matt B

New Member
Hi Matylda,Would a guys' before and after pics work?I'm about ready to post mine after 2 weeks of NB'ing.
Let me know.



New Member
Hi Matylda,

I would suggest for you to look through the forum more, I would say at least 60% of the users are mothers and breastfed, and everybody experienced a bit of lift and more fullness with the pump, many pictures in the stats and gallery pages.

However, in regards to "not after swelling but real growth", well, its hard to say, because even if you take a picture two-three days after your session without pumping, you technically still do have swelling.. what could be said as a permanent size is when you take months off the NB regime, and keep your size.

I believe Anastasia is a perfect example of every criteria you listed, and she has many pictures detailing her progress. I have to add that she also used herbs and stuck with her NBE routine for years to get where she is at, but she definitely got and kept a lot of permanent growth and change in shape.

Teeny Tiny

I don't have any pictures to upload to show you, but when I first started noogling I over did it and ended up causing tissue loss and sagging during the first 6 months. But since I have regained my sag free shape and increased size, you just have to figure out what will work for you to give you the results you're looking for and you will be able to reshape and fill them up any way you want them. As you grow you will fill and lift the saggy areas, making them look the way you want them to.

Hope this helps and welcome aboard! Happy noogling!!! ;) :D ;D


New Member
Not so teeny tiny anymore (love the name!!)

How did you cause tissue loss? Is it from pumping too hard? How did you correct it?

I am VERY new to this, so even when I search and search, sometimes I just need to ask!! THANK YOU!


New Member
Eeee TeenyTiny! I'd also like to know how you did that!!

I noogle two hours per day with the XL and just added 50 mins a few times a week with the CLs. Too much? Don't want to mess anything up! I use it to the point of pull (hard pull sometimes, but not seeing any negative side effects like red dots. When I did I took three days off) but not pain - except for the ribs. Ugh!


I posted some pics today and one is before I started to noogle and the others are today with no pumping for over a week. Just check the gallery for them. Hope this helps.

Teeny Tiny

Okay, how I caused tissue loss was by noogling 8-16 hours a day every day for 6 months, noogling to achieve maximum swelling every day, thinking big swelling was needed for big growth. I never let them turn purple, with the exception of one accident I had with the XL's padding folding over on my right breast and cutting off circulation. It was only that way for less then 5 minutes before I looked and noticed what happened, but I had damaged a blood vessel in the process that was noticeable for almost a year before it finally faded. I had experienced the dreaded red dots several times or more during that first 6 months, but didn't realize until they had shrunk and gotten saggy just how much I was over doing it. I took a three month break do to life getting busy which allowed them time to rest and heal, and when I started up again I took it much slower and easier, 1-3 1 hour sessions per day, using less pressure and during the first month I increased from the deflated 36AA (not even) that I had ended with to a full 36A. Since I have discovered that I seem to have all of my descent growth spurts after taking a break and am currently at a small 36C, possibly in the middle of another growth spurt, so will hopefully be a full 36C soon.

As far as causing tissue damage and reduction the only recommendation I can make is to take it slow and easy. Don't let them turn purple while you're noogling, that's a sign of cutting off circulation which causes the tissue to slowly die and reduce. Also avoid those red dots I dealt with during the first 6 months, those are a sign of broken capillaries (blood blisters), which means you're damaging/breaking the small surface veins which is not good. Above all don't stress about swelling and wanting them to grow overnight, take it slow and easy and have fun with it. I now noogle 1-8 hours a day, depending on how busy I am and if I can make myself keep my hands off them after a couple hours or so of noogling. Most days it's 1-4 hours, but occasionally I can't control myself. ;) But I control how much pressure I use much better now, so they never turn purple or get the dreaded red dots and they are much happier and larger for it. I also noogle sporadically, sometimes I'll noogle every day for a while then take a short break trying to give them a small growth spurt, and other times I'll just noogle every other day or whenever. I change it up from time to time so they don't get too used to a routine and totally stall on me, but if they do then I just put it up for a couple weeks or so then start up again. Some people have to noogle every day consistently to achieve growth, others like me don't grow that way, you just need to figure out what works for you. But whatever you do, just be careful with them and you'll have great success and happy, healthy breasts. ;) :D ;D