Cocoa butter and vit E


New Member
Did some of you ladies hear about or try applying cocoa butter along with vit E to enlarge the breasts ?


New Member
As far as im aware, coco butter and vitamin E dont do anything to help breast enlargement, they are just usefull whist noogling to prevent stretch marks and reduce the appearance of old stretch marks ;D


New Member
^^ same answer as laura, but there are creams out there that promote breast growth e.g. alot of ppl have said good things about st herb nano

Teeny Tiny

Good'n Natural 14% wild yam cream seems to be helping me. But I generally apply it before I go to bed, after I'm done noogling for the day, and sometimes if I have enough without running out between orders I'll use it in the morning with my first noogling session, after that I use Sauve Cocoa Butter with Shea lotion, it's my favorite. I sometimes massage with a vitamin E oil, but wash it off before I noogle then apply the lotion. If you want to try giving them an added boost during your massage and noogling session massage them with KY Touch Massage, 2 in 1 warming massage oil, then wash it off, then apply your lotion and noogle. I've found the way it naturally warms as you massage to be beneficial for blood circulation and swelling, similar to that of say using a hot pad or noogling in the bath tub, depending on how long you massage them and how much you get it to warm up. You may find that if you usually do a gentle massage that you'll need to rub a bit harder and get some friction going. That really helps get the blood flowing and increase swelling, especially if you use the warming massage oil, which for those that have access to one can probably be found cheapest at Wal-Mart, that's where I get mine. I know my breasts love it when I use it, but they don't like me noogling with it or any other oils, I just use the cream and lotion I mentioned for noogling. But those that do noogle using oil may find that they can use it without switching oils. If I really want to give them a good session I'll massage them with the warming massage oil, then do my bath tub noogling session.

Hope this helps! :D